Bree will be the first. In article she said he didnt tell her. He would show signs but told her it was because of the steroids.
If they can prove he had unprotected sex with anybody who is now HIV positive after he knew about the diagnosis they should prosecute him.
I'm too old to know how youngsters get laid anymore, but assuming some bare degree of consensuality, what kind of woman has unprotected sex with anyone even remotely questionable? Isn't the rule of thumb that you never have unprotected sex with anyone unless you are completely certain of their sexual history? Granted, AIDS was a much louder threat back in my glory days (August 8 and 9, 1986).
But that person suing will also let the whole world know that they have HIV... Any of these people up for that?
Well thats just it, I get the feeling most of these women arent exactly the types to care. Pornstars/strippers/hookers arent really the types to give two shits about their health. If they arent forcing clients to wear condoms then they gotta be held a little responsible. Plus it could be tough to prove that if one came up HIV positive , that Sheen was the one to transmit the disease to them. I think in his interview he said he's had unprotected sex with only 2 women since he was diagnosed. And they were/are both under his doctors care. I gotta believe that number is higher thought, and there in lies the problem. Also you'd be surprised though how unpopular condoms are with teenagers/people in their 20s and 30s these days. Unless gay sex/drug use is involved its pretty rare to get AIDS from regular hetero sex these days. Supposedly Sheen was involved with tranny's. That plus drug use/sharing needles/etc. It was just a matter of time.
thats actually not true. Most hookers and strippers are the most aware of health risks and more careful than your average broad. And porn stars? forget about it. Condoms are a tax write-off. They are very careful. its the sluts you find at the bar or the naive "good girl" or the drug users or in sheen's case the "aspiring actresses". that aren't careful
Porn stars do it all the time and guess who Charlie Sheen has been dating for the last twenty years in between his wives and other mistresses? Also, there's a level of coercion involved when you're a famous celebrity. It's easy for star-struck people to do stupid things to get close and try to stay close to that kind of money and fame.
True in a sense. But I've heard from a pretty reliable person , that when a lot of porn stars quit the business in their prime, its because they contracted HIV and are then paid very well by their companies to keep quiet. Even though most of them get it from someone in their personal life cause a ton of them are escorts, and not from a male co-star. AIDS was a big problem in the porno biz in the 80s and 90s. And companies lost a lot of $$ because of it. Now a lot of them have insurance in the rare cases of one of their actors contracts the disease. Even though average girls arent tested nearly as often , they also arent banging 10 dudes a day like most porn stars/hookers/etc. Atleast most of em arent lol.
I'm not holding any brief for Charlie, but anyone who does it all the time isn't a victim of anything in my view. The groupie angle is a little bit stronger, but only a little. It still takes two to get it on.
Legally thats attempted murder in any states including California i believe. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
Actually this is very true. Do a quick google search, chances are you can find a pornstar as an escort. They have to make money somehow. They make like 20 scenes in a week or 2 then dont work for a long time. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
Yeah Id say about half of them advertise their "services"..and Im sure another good chunk are available to celebs/athletes/basic rich dudes, for the right price.
They do that or they do strip club tours. I was told the strip club tours are better because you get paid to make an appearance and dance like maybe a few times. But used up pornstars generally go the escorts way. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
A lot of the young ones go the escort route these days too. In fact Charlie's ex, Bree Olsen was one of the most popular porno girls and also escorted on the sides when she was in the biz.
She faded just as quickly as she came.... Lmao. Seriously tho she has a short career by porn starlet standards. Shes no Phoenix Marie. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
See what happens when the little head instead of the big head does your thinking?? Maybe Charlie finds RCath. like his Dad or makes wine like Emelio
If Charlie Sheen did not infect any of the women gearing up to sue him, what could they possibly sue him for? What are the damages for getting fucked but not contracting a disease?