Silly question- are you guys bow hunting now and changing over to rifle hunting soon? Or do you only bow hunt? _
right now its bow, gun starts next saturday. if get something down this weekend i may stay with the bow after the first day. i'm a bowhunter at heart. right now i am trying to figure out what to do tomorrow in 20mph winds
saturday is a little better. tomorrow is big wind, might get on the ground and be aggressive. tough on the ground with a bow though.
true. but the challenge, the longer season, the nicer weather and watching the woods act a little more natural than the intensity of gun season makes it worth it no?
oh I'm enjoying the hell out of it, just getting antsy. I'm mad at myself for waiting so long to get into it
kinda of the same thing here, i didn't hunt for 15 years while i was in florida, lot of fishing but the woods down there never appealed to me. part of the reason i moved back up.
hunted yesterday afternoon and this morning. 8 deer total, all does and fawns. know a few guys who got some good bucks, one with a 20" spread. absolute beast. took this video this morning, can see the little guy coming from a mile away.
what happened to NSN,anyone know? regular season(gun) starts saturday. anyone going out, weather looks great
good luck to everyone going out in the morning for the nys regular deer season. wear orange and be safe
its always the 3rd Saturday in november stretching 3 weeks. last year was the earliest it could be on the 15th. next 2 years its a little later.
sorry man, I needed a break from this place. too negative. never got anything during bow season but had a nice buck show up the last week on camera. tried to attach photos w Tapatalk but not sure if if will work. all bucks disappeared off cameras once opening day hit and most of the doe are now nocturnal. in just looking to pop a doe at this point. came down from the stand today since the deer seem to avoid it at this point. setup a make shift blind on the ground looking at the normal trail the follow in the morning. two deer came up behind me down wind this morning about 10 feet away. I didn't realize there was a trail right next to me leading into the area I was hunting. odd they didn't smell me. either I'm doing a great job covering my scent or they had bad noses. I tried turning to shoot but that scared them. afterwards it occurred to me that I should have tried to use my sidearm as I could have been more stealth that way. it would have been cool to take one with the pistol too. oh well. probably won't be able to get out again until the last weekend of gun and I'm still deerless. have you had any luck? I saw someone in the catskills got a huge beast this weekend. check catskill outdoors on Facebook for the photo edit: adding trailcam pics
I shot and missed at a decent sized buck. it wasn't the easiest shot and it wasn't like I missed the buck of a lifetime but it still pissed me off big time.
So...... tough bow season, missing the doe and only seeing the one good buck. Opening morning of gun shot a doe at sunrise, thought i hit her hard watched her crash. Gave it about 20 minutes before getting down to find some blood but no deer. Tracked for a few hours but the blood ran out pretty close to where i saw her go down. Must of hit her in that no man's land between vitals and spine. Farmer said he hasn't seen any vultures or coyotes so i think she lived. The only buck i had on camera was shot and wounded, last seen 1 1/2 miles from the farm 3 legging it across an orchard. Feel pretty snake bit this year. Went out thanksgiving morning and did a little drive with my brother but nothing happening there either. Think i may be done for the year. Anyone have a recipe for tag soup?