Week 10: Jets vs Bills TNF Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by DoubleDecker87, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. 88toon

    88toon Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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  2. SienaSaints

    SienaSaints Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
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  3. DRC™

    DRC™ Active Member

    Aug 12, 2010
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    You're saying that Fitzpatrick is so limited that he can't throw the ball 3 yards to get a first down on 4th down or 3rd down?

    That's just dumb. I'm not the biggest Fitzpatrick fan, but he played well enough for the team to win. His receivers, namely Marshall, did not help him tonight. Decker had a big drop on 3rd down on that first drive that ended on 4th down

    The first INT he threw was all Marshall. The ball went right through his hands to the Bills defender. He didn't play great, especially early in the game, but he played well enough for the team to win if he had some help from his receivers or from his OC
  4. BuffaloBills06

    BuffaloBills06 Active Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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  5. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    As much as this board collectively hates Cumby, I'm sure we all would have rather Cumby running that route.
  6. SienaSaints

    SienaSaints Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
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    I guess it was supposed to go to Decker anyway. But just fucking look up and the ball is there.

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  7. legler82

    legler82 Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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    No it was suppose to be to Kellen believe it or not.
  8. GuilhermeZmc

    GuilhermeZmc New Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Started to watch American Football 3 years ago, I still wonder why the fuck i choose this team to cheer for.
    dawinner127 and BuffaloBills06 like this.
  9. #28Martin

    #28Martin Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Fitzpatrick played his ass off. He's obviously limited but putting him down is just wrong.
  10. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Agreed 100%. Fitz is the man.
  11. RexontheBeach

    RexontheBeach Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Fitz is gonna have that surgery tomorrow. Book it. The operation is inevitable if he ever wants to use that thumb again. Now Bowles has a Scapegoat to see if Geno has any future here.

    We're fucked. Geno better get his shit straight with these extra couple of practice days.
    The 1985er likes this.
  12. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Fitz has been solid this year, no complaints from me at all. But I also want to see what Geno could do in this offense, next week could be the time to pull the trigger and if it happens I hope he plays like there is no tomorrow.
    shonnfrank likes this.
  13. thankyourevis

    thankyourevis Active Member

    Mar 11, 2015
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    You do realize that we are third in the divison so im not sure why we are making it seem like he is an idiot. Granted i dont think we will finish fourth but right now he is pretty close to being spot on.
  14. IDFjet

    IDFjet Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2014
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    Thanks for taking the time to respond.
  15. shonnfrank

    shonnfrank Active Member

    Sep 21, 2015
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    Fitz has played wonderfully....for a backup. Problem is we dont have a starter.
    We COULD HAVE POSSIBLY, but once fitz got the team we became blah.
    And he has played fine.....for a backup. And i LOVE his intensity.....for a backup.

    For me a perfect scenerio is GS playing and pulling out a career performance in buffalo. Fuck Ik empanada and rex.
  16. EcKo151

    EcKo151 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    Just a bitter loss. It's one thing to just get blown out and shat on. But when you fight all the way back, despite points being left on the field, dropped passes, more turnovers, etc. Buffalo did all they could to hand this game to the Jets.

    At home, with wild card hopes, you simply have to win this game, no matter how ugly it may be. 3 turnovers and a Win would've been ugly but who cares? The Jets out-sucked the Bills. Had the Jets won, the Bills would've out-sucked the Jets.

    The play calling after the gift Buffalo gave the Jets muffing the punt was the final straw. A good team finds a way to get into the endzone and win that game.

    Inexcusable. Buffalo sucks.
  17. dawinner127

    dawinner127 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    It sucks we lost but how bad is buffalo?! 4 turnovers and we still had more than enough chances to win the game...
  18. Billsfan1212

    Billsfan1212 Active Member

    Nov 10, 2015
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    Well, win or loose I said I'd be back so I figured I'd let you guys chill out a bit so no one took this as perceived trolling as I've said all along that wasnt my intent.
    First and foremost, I think this is a great example of why Thursday night games are terrible. Neither team looked ready to play and both teams, who are capable of playing excellent played down to each other. Short weeks with a bit more of a vanilla game plan does nothing to help either teams chance to win. There have been some stinkers and although this was a nail biter for both sides this was no exception in that it was UGLY.

    Now, to the game. My absolute favorite thing believe it or not was that the Refs actually let them play. Instead of being bogged down by penalties, until the Bills delay of game the zebras went well over a qtr without throwing a flag. Being familiar with Rex, I'm sure you can relate with what a accomplishment that really is. Both sides did well in this regard. This meant no stupid throwing the ball 40 yards and a arguable PI flag leaving one team with a great chance to score with out actually completing a bomb. Good ol' football.

    Did anyone wanna win this game? At times it didnt look like it... Each team had an absolute blunder that kinda evened itself out as far as the bad breaks are concerned. In fact, the Bills capitalizing on theirs and the Jets not could be the simplest difference in the entire game. And man oh man they should have. As soon as that snap was muffed I thought the Bills gave the Jets the game as just prior the Jets O had been having their way with the Bills D. The day after, I'm still not sure how the Bills eeked it out.

    The matchup everyone was talking about was Revis vs Watkins. Sammy was obviously a little over hyped for this one. His ill-timed jump on that first play was the first of many disappointing plays for the Bills last night. SSSOOO close, and more so than not getting the TD (I'm sure I'll catch a lot of flack for this) I'm more dissapointed because this would have made the statistics back up what really happened in this matchup... It wasnt Revis shutting down Watkins, but rather trying to contain and minimize the damage. I'm sorry but the reality was Sammy was getting open. The island hasn't sunk per-se, but just as an example if you go back and watch that key 3rd down catch by Sammy to extend the Bills last drive Revis almost broke his ankles being turned inside out. The all 22 shows this happening a few times as well. Now please dont get all mad and upset as Sammy didnt have his way with Revis... he's still probably the best in the game. If anything it speaks more to Sammys ability than Revis. To his credit there were no huge plays allowed, but thats kinda my point. It was supposed to be #24 shutting down #14, not keeping the damage to a minimum.

    Ivory bounced back a bit for you guys but man, he was all or nothing. Big play, or literally looking like he ran into the first person he saw. 1 yard away from 100
    Credit to your front, you are the 1st team to keep Karlos in check..
    BUT, it was said if a back would have success on your front it would be the shifty one who can get to the outside and IMO, he single handily won this game for us.
    You kept Tyrod from breaking loose and forced him to simply be a game manager. Kudos
    If your D wasnt the best we will face (outside from the Pats who just dominate as a whole) for the rest of the year I'd be worried... but our offense has shown it can be explosive vs lesser stout D's
    Gilmore had an OK game for us, but boy... he's not elite or anything but Darby had a big game and continued to show why he's been getting attention for DROTY. Kid could turn out to be pretty darn good. Going into the season he was looked at as a liability.

    They were who we thought they were: both teams retreads showed even though time has passed and situations have changed, they are still same ol' same ol'. Fitz didnt play bad, but this performance was all to familiar and its what eventually got them chased out of Buffalo. Conversely, having read your game thread Rex's issues seem to be the norm, not the exception. Fitz did just enough to give the Jets a chance to win. Gailey has some head scratchers to be sure. For whatever reason, it just wasnt enough. They dont take over and control a game, but they allow your team to stay in it provided all other facets of the game are playing mistake free ball. Thats a VERY hard thing to do in the NFL and the amount of wins in Buffalo showed this. I hope they dont go into this same 2nd half of the season funk for your sake because I think it'd be fitting for a week 17 rematch that means something. I saw people blaming Marshall for that pick, and it was indeed in his hands but as Simms said, why make that throw in double coverage with a 3rd man converging in the 1st place? very low chance something good rather than bad will come out of it. Those are the plays that he will always make. Sometimes for the better, but sometimes for worse.

    Lastly, I have 2 questions... Why all the hate for Rex? Its not like he quit on you guys like Maronne did us. He gave you some good years, 2 AFC Championship games and to my understanding was kinda set up to fail last year. He has expressed he is sad about the way things ended... why all the bashing? Why do you care so much? I could see if he dogged you guys and quit for greener pastures, but if you guys think hes such a bumbling idiot, then why not just let him implode instead of hanging on his every word or move? I dont mean for that to be insulting, I just dont get it.
    Also, being a Bills fan I'm very familiar with disappointment and last nights game felt very much like our game against JAX. Sucking can be painful and frustrating, especially for prolonged periods of time... but man reading the in game thread is like a roller-coaster so much hate and spite for a team you spent all week bragging about and saying how great you felt, then love saying you knew they had it in them all along and you never doubted them and back to trashing them and displaying pure hatred. If you're a fan of the team isnt that a for better or worse type thing? I'm not even saying its a fair weather thing... just more how do you go from bragging and talking about how excellent the team or parts of it are and then just trashing them.

    It was a hard fought game from both sides. Very questionable calls from both coaches. They engaged in a slug fest and played to each other.Next matchup, hopefully, will be just as good.
    Thanks for the fun this week guys, good luck and see ya week 17!
    #458 Billsfan1212, Nov 13, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015
  19. Billsfan1212

    Billsfan1212 Active Member

    Nov 10, 2015
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    I'll never understand this reasoning, and it just sounds silly. Wouldnt you want to rationalize the team that beat you would be better in a sense?
    That statement just sounds silly and bitter. There were some real positives. You guys were at home and got the momentum back. Thats huge, and decent teams are able to mount comebacks and you nearly pulled it off. These are two very evenly matched teams even after the fact
    I know it hurts, we came back from a similar deficit in our Jags loss, actually took the lead and then our D couldnt do what it did last night as Bortles had his way with us but managed to keep Fitz and co from doing the same this week. Its just how it goes from week to week as neither of these teams played their best ball.
  20. SOJAZ

    SOJAZ Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2015
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    Agree he threw the ball about 60 yards in the air and over threw Brandon... lets stop with this BS. The coaches lost this game.

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