I'm not going to put up a picture of myself but I'll give you the next best thing. Go to your local greasy Mexican restaurant at around 12pm. My guess is that there will be a janitor, short order cook and maybe one customer. The customer is probably a slightly overweight white guy, with a stained generic T-shirt and large overcoat. The loner hasn't shaved in a couple of days and never smiles. Now get a good look at that guy because that's me.
There was an older thread, I think it was The Picture Behind the Post Count, or something similar, with a lot of posters pics. Long gone now. That being said, here's me. The Real Waterboy.
I'm a fat, balding red head and here is a picture of me with some idiot bothering me about one of my recipes. True story. _
Lol, I really was asking him about one of his recipes. He was sitting 2 rows in front of us and all game I was just dying to ask him a question about one of his dishes I make--my younger son's favorite thing I cook. He had two brutes basically guarding him so when I approached him they kind of menaced me so I said "I just wanted to ask him about Weeds with Sausage". His face lit up and he said "oh, you mean Gramigne con Salsiccia" so he waived his guards off and we talked for a few mins. I asked if would mind if I could take a pic, he was like "of cousre" and when I started fumbling with my phone, he said "give me that" took my phone and snapped the pic. Really nice dude. Also met Anne Burrell that night. Not so nice. _