Week 10: Jets vs Bills TNF Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by DoubleDecker87, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. Billsfan1212

    Billsfan1212 Active Member

    Nov 10, 2015
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    And back to my original point...
    Its easy to sit here for Bills fans to say Fitz and Chan will be Fitz and Chan and for Jets fans to say Rex will be Rex....
    BUT the fact of the matter is, this game will be played in 2015- so other than their stereotypical tendencies the past really doesn't matter.
    The aforementioned parties are in VERY different situations here in 2015 and so far, its worked out well for them all.
    Here we are a few days from a HUGE game for both teams and neither one have a HUGE advantage and it'll be a lot of fun to watch them grind it out.
    I hope that its not a blow out for either side and it ends close AND doesn't send either team in a spiral so that the final game of the season for both teams will actually have meaning for a change.
    You guys seem to REALLY hate me, but we aren't that different you and I...
  2. Billsfan1212

    Billsfan1212 Active Member

    Nov 10, 2015
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    Urban Dictionary
    ebonics- A poor excuse for a failure to grasp the basics of english.

    Just an FYI, this UD definition was where I was going with that so no need to make it something it wasnt...
  3. BuffaloBills06

    BuffaloBills06 Active Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Dude it's always been like that around here. Some of the most thin skinned people ever.

    Make a post saying something lite like......"I like the Bills chances against the Jets" and you'll get 6-7 comments like "fuck you troll I hope you die....blah blah blah" It's actually funny to me and I dont take it serious. You have to be a very interesting person to let a person you've never met get you so worked up that you have to curse them out over the internet.
  4. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    One of my life's great achievements is never having been to Buffalo.
  5. Billsfan1212

    Billsfan1212 Active Member

    Nov 10, 2015
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    LOL apparently you've set the bar quite low my friend.... living in LA, you probably wouldn't like it.
    No fakes, phoneys, or for the most part snobs.
    Its full of hard working, blue collar people who enjoy their booze, food, and football.
    Should you ever make it out here, hit me up.. 1st beers on me!
  6. Billsfan1212

    Billsfan1212 Active Member

    Nov 10, 2015
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    go bills! (keeping it football related)
  7. Big Cat

    Big Cat Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    Fine, here's some intelligent football discussion. The Jets won't be able to run the ball on the Bills because of their front, which usually spells trouble. However, their run game was completely taken away in 2 notable wins (Colts, Jaguars) because Fitzpatrick was able to produce points when we needed him to. In the Eagles, Pats and Raiders games, the lack of a running game doomed us.

    A big factor is that the Bills are the first team we've faced this season with 2 good cornerbacks. Most teams we've faced have had one good one and then a slosh of mediocre ones, so we used Decker as a viable tool when teams took away Marshall. He was especially huge vs Indy and Jacksonville, 2 games where the run game just wasn't there and Marshall was for the most part stifled. Will Darby follow Decker into the slot, or is he only used outside? If he does come into the slot and restrains Decker, do the Jets have the 3rd and 4th options to move the ball? It would make Kerley and Kenbrell's roles vital, and maybe even mean more targets for Cumberland. Their pass rush vs our o-line is a mild concern but Fitz is getting the ball out so fast that I'm not sure it'll matter. Brady and Eli both masked their lines by (successfully) throwing quick passes vs the Bills.

    On defense, I'm not particularly concerned about Tyrod running because we've done a pretty good job at slowing down scrambling QBs this year. I'm interested to see if Tyrod can function when forced to stand in the pocket. Revis vs Watkins is fine, Clay could be a big factor if Pryor can't play. He's the type of guy that burns us, but with their receivers behind Watkins not being world beaters I think we can devote more attention to him. I wouldn't count on shutting down their run game like we usually do, Shady/Karlos is a great combo.

    Hopefully it doesn't come down to a Randy Bullock field goal.
  8. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Live in LA.

    Born & raised in NYC and surrounding.

    But thanks for the offer.
  9. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Darby is a penalty waiting to happen against anyone but especially a smart player like Decker. We might not even need to run the ball. Just spread em out 1 on 1 and pick up yardage via defensive penalties and the passing game. A couple TD drives aided by penalty might be all we need to win in a 17-10 type game.

    Even Gilmore draws a lot of penalties. His physical play vs. a physical receiver like Marshall is going to draw flags no matter what. 90% of the time physical penalties between receiver and corner go against the defense regardless of their origin. I like that opportunity too. I'd send Marshall deep kinda like we did on the first play against Miami and have Fitzy just chuck it up. Try to draw a big yardage PI penalty.
  10. Billsfan1212

    Billsfan1212 Active Member

    Nov 10, 2015
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    uummm... ok?
  11. Billsfan1212

    Billsfan1212 Active Member

    Nov 10, 2015
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    Taylor has connected on some deep balls and some nice outs BUT there have been times when armchair coaching I've wondered why he hasnt taken his shots over the middle.
    He may just be too small... It seemed this would have been the ideal way to attack the Titans, but our offense just sputtered and got lucky he has the legs he does. If not, it wouldn't have ended in the same result.
    He did come out throwing VS Miami the 1st time and did well, but I think ideally they only want him to throw 15x a game while picking his shots.
    For that to happen, the run game needs to be firing on all cylinders.
    I'd argue that your fear of being able to run is the same on the other side of the ball. Granted, we've only really had both backs a couple of times but so far its been either all or nothing.
    Fitz (with us of course) always seemed like a good qb until he had to play from behind (which was often) and as a result he made poor decisions and poor throws and made it worse.
    He always seemed like he had Favre's mentality with out the arm.

    We saw a great example of what happens to an over hyped team against the Pats. They crept back into it, but only because the Pats went for the jugular and it almost backfired. A few players had to be restrained that game... it wasn't pretty and kind of embarrassing. I'd imagine thats why Rex isnt trying to play up his Jets connection here.

    Clay is due for a big game. Will it be this week? who knows. He was big in the 1st win at the Phins and is always pretty steady (and good for at least 1 drop) but Roman has yet to tailor the game plan to him. IMO, it almost seems as if thats the case. In each of their wins, 1 guy specifically has had a big game alost as if he's that weeks "featured" player.

    Fitzy was good at the short outside stuff when we were successful... the exact type of stuff that has gashed our D this year when we've given up long drives. These teams just seem SSOO evenly matched. I just hope no one lays an egg and we get to see some good football!
  12. Billsfan1212

    Billsfan1212 Active Member

    Nov 10, 2015
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    and thanks for stepping up Big Cat
  13. Big Cat

    Big Cat Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    The problem with Fitz is that he's at his best when he's throwing short and over the middle, but he's small for a QB and has a long windup which leads to a lot of batted balls. Bad combo.
  14. Kris 15

    Kris 15 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Fitz has actually been pretty successful over the middle this year, throwing to Decker out of the slot and occasionally Marshall. Having a big target over the middle helps a ton. Anything over 15 yards is where it gets a bit dicey.
  15. Billsfan1212

    Billsfan1212 Active Member

    Nov 10, 2015
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    Gilmore has drawn penalties, but has also come up huge. He is 'on the rise' and we all consider him to be very good... but he has some plays where ya just kinda wonder what in the world he was doing.
    Darby has been getting national attn for DROTY, and I think one of the biggest factors in that is he really hasnt been burned and given up many huge plays. He had one off week, but has been picked on quite a bit and has held his own. I dont disagree pre se, but I also dont think its as simple as that. Its not like hes a 3rd string. The guy he replaced is back, and he's still starting
  16. Kerley Shuffle

    Kerley Shuffle Active Member

    Jan 21, 2009
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    NY Jets68 and bartscott like this.
  17. Billsfan1212

    Billsfan1212 Active Member

    Nov 10, 2015
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    I think thats exactly why Taylor has been apprehensive about chucking it there. not really the long windup, but being short and having the balls batted down.
    I'm sure you notice the difference in Geno and Fitz...
    When we have EJ in, receivers have to dive to make catches that should be simple because they are ssoo off the mark. He was almost to the point last year where he was going to get guys hurt.
    Legs aside, Taylors accuracy is like night and day w/EJ. He puts it right where he needs to and allows for RAC. EJ, not so much because they are on the ground from having to dive for it.
    If thats how it is w/Geno too... I'd much prefer Fitz. There were people complaining in Buffalo last year that we cut Fitz for EJ
  18. JDeacon

    JDeacon Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    NYJetsO12 likes this.
  19. Billsfan1212

    Billsfan1212 Active Member

    Nov 10, 2015
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    THIS is exactly what the biggest point of frustration was with Fitz in Buffalo. He'd connect on a 15-20 yarder if it was on a rope and a timing play or the reciever was open enough to wait for the ball BUT anytime he threw long... well as you NYers say "fergitaboutit". It was a waste of a play. We ustsa wonder if they'd ever come back down. Just floater and ducks that we were lucky if they went out of bounds ( which, most of the time they did). Having said that, personally, I had a trust in Fitz in that he wasn't one of those QB's that made you clench every time he let one go. IMO as far as the game manager QB's are concerned, he and Smith are the 2 best in the league. Again, unless playing from behind and trying to put the game on his shoulders he seemed very trustworthy
  20. Billsfan1212

    Billsfan1212 Active Member

    Nov 10, 2015
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    Its good.. win or loose you never wanna have it cheapened due to injuries and have the whole "if we had more guys healthy...."

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