As for stopping the monologues - if the media did its job of reporting the news rather than creating it - candidates will expose themselves by how well they do, or do not, answer questions. But the way that they muck everything up with their own agenda it makes it very difficult for us citizens to discern what is fact and what is fiction. Or what is relevant and what is distraction.
October 9th, 2015 I'm sure. And he was asked how he would make up the deficit with his flat tax. He couldn't sufficiently answer the question because he has no fucking idea how. He's just going by the Bible here, and that's all he needs. God willing.
I was referring moreso to the claims of violence in his youth. You cannot convince me that the west point thing was anything more than a hatchet job. Scholarship, appointment. Tomato, tomato. That is really splitting hairs and shouldn't be a knock against him at all. The tax thing is the more pressing issue. I would love a flat tax if he could make the numbers work. I am just very doubtful that something like that could happen without some DEEP cuts that would make him flat out unelectable. But that's a whole other story of why this country is going down the tubes: "a democracy can only last until the populace figures out that they can vote themselves free stuff" (paraphrase - I'm unsure of who gets credit for that quote).
I guess you missed the part where I said (i) I didn't hear or read what he said or when he said it who who he may or may not have said it to or (ii) I don't give a shit about what any of them say on the campaign trail. _
Ben Carson has responded to this nonsense trying to call him out on his facebook page. I think the left should stick with attacking his real weaknesses (and he has several) then trying to go after his character. That could backfire, big time.
lol - as if the government is entitled to everything we earn and we should be grateful they allow us to keep some. smh
He compared his tax plan to tithing, where people pay according to their ability, you earn $10 Billion you pay $1 Billion, you earn $10 you pay $1. He may have compared it to something from the bible but the plan is no different from other plans that do not cite the bible. Either you read an article that completely blew that out of proportion or the fact he is a religious conservative is enough to make you look for any little thing to rail against. Carson would not be in my top 10 of candidates I would consider but he must scare some with all there has been thrown out there about him recently. Actually I don't have any candidate in my top ten right now, a few from both sides have some ideas I agree with but then they have some other completely off the wall stance or they are just throwing things out there that there is no way to implement.
It's free stuff if the government is instead going to borrow increasingly large amounts of money to pay for the cuts. Free as hell for you, the tax cutter, and expensive as hell for your grandkids. We should have a constitutional amendment that no taxes can be cut until we're running no deficit. Future Americans have just as much right to their cash as you do.
His tithing tax still leaves us with a deficit. And even at %15 percent tax he would have us at a deficit that would force us to cut %40 of the government. He's an idiot. And you are as well.
A balanced budget would be a fantastic thing and should definitely be step number one. Unfortunately not many people are willing to make the cuts necessary to get there. I hope that you have the same mindset of not mortgaging our future for the 'free stuff' that is being handed out today. My preference isn't so much for a tax cut for me but rather a simplification of the tax code in general. That is something that I feel all Americans would benefit from.
I love the idea of tying tax cuts to equal spending cuts. something needs to be done to force respible cuts. saying no cuts until there's no deficit would be too rigid imo. cuts can increase tax revenue.
As long as it is truly revenue neutral and the guys who pass it are willing to face the voters in the off-year election. We're in the trouble we're in right now because everybody loves tax cuts and nobody is willing to cut stuff that will probably get them chucked out of office at the first opportunity. It's all about keeping hold of the reins instead of governing responsibly. Actually tax cuts are about getting elected and then not cutting spending is about staying that way.
The problem right now is that tax cuts have been overweighted to the wealthy for three decades and you just try to squeeze a dime out of a billionaire's fingers at tax time. Listen to Warren Buffet. He's said it over and over again and nobody is listening because there's no percentage in it for them.
simplified tax code could help eliminate loop holes for the rich. they certainly need to pay there fair share.
Go fuck yourself douche bag. I knew any attempt at civil discourse with you was a long shot and you proved me correct so go fuck yourself, then jump off the tallest building you can find. You would be doing mankind a great service. Did I mention you should go fuck yourself dumb ass.