Sounds like Politico could be the ones doing the lying. They've backed off on the bs article title, but are still holding their ground on the premise. Maybe they should stick with the pyramid story.
So, it wasn't Carson that lied but Westmoreland. Nice especially since Westmoreland died back in 2005. So just like those "victims" of Dr. Jekyll that can't be located anywhere on the planet, again we're expected to take Dr. Jekyll's word on this. Just another instance where there's no way to corroborate, one way or the other, the truth on this story. How ironic that a black guy is blaming a dead white guy for a change. Still does nothing to make Dr. Jekyll any more qualified to be POTUS.
The writers are suggesting that Westmoreland (or as your article suggests, an underling) tried to recruit Jekyll and the future doctor took that as a scholarship offer which he so nobly refused. Again, there's no way to verify this version either since Westmorland is long dead. Oh, and your author should have used the word "possible" rather than the presumptive "probable": Unfortunately for Dr. Jekyll, the questions about his past and his integrity will remain an issue no matter how much his campaign wants it to go away. Now I fully expect them to go into the conservative playbook and blame the media. Ben Carson is NOT QUALIFIED TO BE POTUS. Nothing short of a life transplant will change that. At the very least, Carson should learn how to keep his lies straight.
"Because I had done so extraordinarily well you know I was told that someone like me -- they could get a scholarship to West Point. But I made it clear I was going to pursue a career in medicine," Carson told The New York Times. "It was, you know, an informal 'with a record like yours we could easily get you a scholarship to West Point." I see nothing wrong with this claim at face value. Pyramids are the ticket I think.
So since he made claims about a conversation that occurred with a dead guy it's obviously false? I'm honestly confused at what the problem is. Politico has back tracked on this one already because they know they were wrong with the initial claims. I don't think it's unreasonable to think the top ROTC student in the City of Detroit may have had a legit shot at this and so the General would have mentioned that to him in discussion?
None of Carson's life claims except being born in Detroit and being in ROTC can be substantiated. Not a single one of them. I'm not giving him the benefit of the doubt because if he's gonna be POTUS, he has to pass the vetting process. At least they did find Obama's birth certificate and even that didn't stop the "he wasn't born in the USA" bullshit. You really expect people to give Jekyll a pass? Not gonna happen pardner. They can't find shit on Jekyll to support the story he fed those christian mullahs regarding his youth. Too damn convenient for my tastes. The burden of proof is on Dr. Jekyll. Let these folks come forward from the shadows and this all goes away. If Mr. Hyde ever existed, now would a pretty good time for proof of it.
Ben Carson doesn't recall the media scrutinizing Obama this much when he was running. Ummm Ben Carson: "Next week, there will be a teacher who said I peed in my pants." Well I just peed my pants Ben Carson.
Jared Fogle could run for POTUS and this schmo Nakamato would be questioning the FBI's investigation into him
I knew Ben Carson was a fraud when I would walk by those promotional tables at Barnes and Noble and see his books evoking 'God'. Always weary of these kinds of people.
Hillary Clinton is not a participant in any of the GOP debates. References to Clinton are best addressed in the Democratic Debate thread. One does nothing to gild the lily of any particular Republican by making reference to a Democrat. If you choose to continue this line of argument in the other thread, it would be helpful for you to specifically address which of those items you quote you believe prove your point that the Secretary of State lied about anything related to Benghazi, understanding that to tell a lie one must make a statement they know to be untrue. Breitbart, as does CNS, throws a lot of chaff in the air and people like you tend to draw conclusions where none exist.
I hardly expect people to give him a pass, and if he's a liar then I have no problem calling him on it. When I first read the politico story today I thought he seemed like a big liar. Tis the season to tear apart presidential candidates. I think it's good we put 'em through the ringer, but if we're going to hang them for something it should be - you know - something. How's he supposed to prove he had a conversation with a dead guy? c'mon cman. I'd be focusing on his comments on the economy if I were the left. And the pyramids.
I don't think it's unreasonable that "the top ROTC student in the City of Detroit", a Harvard graduate, would be so ignorant of the appointment process for the service academies that he would make such ignorant statements about scholarships without even having prepared an application. I also don't think it's unreasonable for a reasonable person to believe that politicians tend to embellish their biographies in attempt to convince the easily convinced that they are somehow better prepared than the other candidates. One need not be violently stabbed in the belt buckle to come to that conclusion.
The reason Hillary was brought up was to point out the hypocricy of those who are outraged at what could possibly be a lie by Carson and they defend hillary. The Brietbart timeline I posted shows the exact details of Hillary's lie. You may not like the source, but the facts are the facts and you cannot dismiss them because of the source. You have a point though, and I will repost the Brietbart timeline in the other thread.
If you have some information regarding the scholarships at West Point that prove Carson is a liar feel free to share.
There are no scholarships to West Point. Never have been. You should know this if you are going to defend Carson. Carson should know this if he expects anyone to believe him.
It's just not getting through to this guy. One would think Ben Carson might have given him a lobotomy only a few years ago.