It's not that complicated or mysterious. Now that it's November turkeys will get a lot of attention, as will pumpkin pie. At least one turkey will go to the White House and have his life spared. A day will come near the end of the month when you will eat too much, watch three football games and fall asleep on your couch and it will be over. Make sure you do not leave the house the next day.
I thought I Jesus was talking to me, but it turns out that I just forgot to turn the TV off before I went to bed. He wanted to save me money on car insurance by switching to Geico.
I'm going to see Spectre tomorrow night. This is a movie I'll wait to see on DVD. Priests rape kids. Big surprise. _
im sur eit did, thats a good cast. i like billy crudup, stanley tucci, keaton etc., not really any weak links in there
This is from "Our nation was predicated on unalienable rights with governance through family, church and community...Human dignity, legal equality and personal freedom reflect biblical values imparted on Western Civilization, which retains these values in secular form while expunging their Author from public discourse...Moreover, “Separation of Church and State” is nowhere found in the Constitution or any other founding legislation. Our forefathers would never countenance the restrictions on religion exacted today....This legislation certainly did not diminish religious influence on government for it also provided stiff penalties for conducting business on the Sabbath...Nor did the Constitution inhibit public displays of faith. At ratification, a majority of the thirteen several and sovereign states maintained official religions. The early Republic welcomed public worship. Church services were held in the U.S. Capitol and Treasury buildings every Sunday. The imagery in many federal buildings remains unmistakably biblical...The day after the First Amendment’s passage, Congress proclaimed a national day of prayer and thanksgiving....Our forefathers never sought to evict the church from society..."
GTFOH! Don't you realize that is just an opinion piece by some radical right religious fanatic just like yourself? Why don't you write a similar piece? I'll bet they even pay you a little bit. Oh, wait, I know - you don't have an original thought in that concrete head of yours. Never mind.
Separation of church and state is in the 1st fuckin amendment. they don't use those exact words but they expect people to use their fuckin brains and understand what it means. what a shitty article to appeal to society's lowest common denominator. looks like they got you
"the government of the united states is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion" -John fuckin' Adams
LMAO at claiming that separation of church and state is not in the constitution. What religious restrictions are you talking about? Anybody is free to practice their religion however they want, provided it doesn't infringe upon others, get enforced by law, or get taught/promoted to kids in public school. A FORBES article is supposed to be an authority on the constitution? I don't get how so many play the victim card when the said religion ruled the world with an iron fist for the last few thousand years. Now they are victims because they aren't allowed to force it into law or teach bogus creation theories in science class. These are the same people that were torturing and executing folks for blasphemy, but now they are the victims because people speak against it on the internet. I'm so sorry for your loss. Maybe try treating all people and religions equally? I also can't help but notice that my inquiry about the anti homosexual position in Christianity was ignored. I've posed that question on many forums and nobody will touch it. What is the Christian justification for that view? It's easy to hate, but if you can't even come up with a valid reason for it, it speaks volumes.