I certainly think it's fair to say that he needs to find someone to verify his story and we'll see if he's able to do that. If not, I will probably buy that it's a false narrative. I am undecided on Carson yet. There are some things I really like about him that I've already listed. But now there's this other thing I love about him. The left is terrified of him.
Bullshit indeed. Carson is a complete moron when talking about anything it seems (it goes well with the base full of stupid people). The stupid people seem to think that because he was a brain surgeon that he MUST be intelligent about everything...When he opens his mouth, he is a complete moron. And lol at people still bitching and complaining about Benghazi. Get a life.
http://bigstory.ap.org/article/fca5...-hiring-fire-october-jobless-rate-falls-5-pct The economy sucks! It's worse than when Obama started! The stock market is not indicator of anything! LOL.
Part of the problem no doubt is when you want to go to an outsider, risk goes up. For all the problems GOP base voters have with those running who are elected officials, at least there has been some vetting going on for them (although I see Rubio is getting a lot of scrutiny now, too). An unknown and novice candidate? You're taking a risk. Powell probably was your cleanest potential candidate, but he was too liberal for where the GOP is going.
I find it hilarious that you bitch and moan about me bringing up Benghazi when it was absolutely relevant to the discussion at hand yet you think it's appropriate to throw out some cherry picked obama economy stats when we weren't discussing the obama economy and this is the GOP thread. I would bring up the real bad news about the Obama economy in the Democratic debate thread, but I would rather have that be about the candidates. You're a terrible poster.
How did HRC lie? Do you really think people who otherwise support what Obama did and was trying to do shold have voted against him because of Benghazi? What is the relevance? It was just a made up issue the GOP tried to turn into something huge. Sure there were foreign policy issues having to do with Libya, but not about an unfortunate incident like that, where the GOP tried to politicize it. Did the GOP seek to spend more money on protecting State Dept employees working overseas? No. They kept voting to trim the budget. Did the GOP oppose the US presence in Libya? No. GOP members of Congress have admitted the Benghazi committee is all about politics, and they HAVE NOT found any lies by HRC. Why you keep beating that dead horse is far from apparent here, at least if we are trying to asceratain what good reason you might have for doing so.
The real bad news about the Obama economy is htat it is not stronger than it could have been due to roadblocks and austerity measures put up by the GOP. Austerity's Grim Legacy, by Paul Krugman http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/06/o...-region&WT.nav=opinion-c-col-left-region&_r=0
She told the American people and the parents of the dead that the cause was a video. That was AFTER she told her daughter and the Egyption Prime Minister the known truth. There is hard evidence of this. It was shown in the latest Benghazi hearing - the first one that had access to her emails from her private server that was discovered in the last one. It's easier to make discoveries when you have all the evidence. The Obama admin ran partly on Al Queda being on the run - them having a huge successful attack against us didn't fit that narrative.
He's already been quoted as to saying nobody will verify his story because they don't want to get involved. The left isn't terrified of him because of the terrifying beliefs he's putting out there. You really think HRC is scared of a guy who ignores years of research and thinks the world was built in 6 days? Can you imagine what would be taught in schools across the country if Carson were to be elected? The guy thinks the holocaust would have been prevented if more Jews were armed. Really?
The feds should have next to nothing to do with the curriculum taught in our schools so I fail to see what Ben Carson would have to do with that. Of course the Jews would have had a better shot if they were armed. lmao
Easily the most ignorant statement you've ever said. They stood no chance against the Third Reich. You're an idiot
So the armies of France, Belgium, and Poland couldn't take on Nazi Germany, but arming the small number of Jews that were left could? I really hope you don't have children and they have to learn this garbage from someone like you.
THere was no evidence that HRC knew at the time who the murderers were and lied about it. How would she have had such personal knowledge? Your second paragraph is not good English. I am not sure what you are trying to say. Obama never said they had eliminated al Qaeda or that terrorism was no longer a threat. There was no such narrative. I know the Benghazi Committee, which again you did not respond to has a political purpose as admitted by GOP members of Congress and has gone on for 17 months after numerous other investigations and commitees has not found any new information.
Perhaps there's a reason why the Nazi's decided to disarm the population first? I am actually not an idiot and based on what I've read from you I'd likely score higher than you on most any type of test capable of determining intelligence. This is at least the second time you've directly attacked my intelligence. I typically ignore personal attacks like that but you repeatedly insulting my intelligence coupled with your inability to contribute anything useful to the conversation has landed you on my ignore list. I'm definitely not the smartest person on the board, but an idiot? nah.
Don't you know that owning a gun is the answer to all the problems in the world? It certainly overcomes having a small penis. And not having sex with women.
I thought the first thing the Nazis did was get rid of the Communists. The second thing they did was outlaw abortion.
I really can't believe he just agreed with Carson's assessment of the Holocaust. And then is justifying it by saying he can score higher on an intelligence test. Yikes.