This is fairly scary stuff because methane deposits have the potential to make carbon dioxide look like a piker in the global warming theater. The deep ocean substrates apparently haven't warmed enough yet to begin releasing their trapped methane deposits yet.
I hate it when people say this.... it really burns my ass. Heh heh heh.... see what I did there? I'll go away now....
If the deep ocean substrates start melting we'll wind up with methane geysers feeding directly into the atmosphere, not chain-reactions in which methane kills small organisms releasing more carbon dioxide than would otherwise be freed. That's the scenario that causes real problems, with tipping points on temperature all over the place. Of course by then the deep ocean currents that warm some places and keep others cooler will have stopped and we'll have other problems also. The other methane source that is problematic but as of this point has not begun to melt is the permafrost in North America and Northern Asia. If both sources go active then you wind up with a substantial acceleration of warming leading into a greenhouse effect. The dominant species is usually the one most threatened by massive environmental changes. That's because it is the species best adapted to the current environment, which is why it is on top. Human beings have innate advantages because adaptability is one of our primary traits. However a massive environmental change would probably still do most of us and the winners and losers would be almost random because we can't predict what skills and traits would be best adapted to survive. It might well be desert dwellers or deep jungle dwellers or even urban dwellers surrounded by technology. It's hard to predict where the advantages would lie.
If you're really worried about methane gas you should probably stop eating beef. Cows farts are dangerous. Plants love C02 btw, oh and the Antartic ice levels are increasing. But that's none of my business.
OMG Broadway is this how you refocus after a couple of Jet loses? lol At this rate there wont be any football to watch Truth be told after eating too much I have had methane problems
Well, we already have pretty decent Dome technology so we'd have to find a way to upscale it to cover entire cities and farmlands.
It's funny you say this as they have this really cool exhibit I saw when I was in Singapore recently that basically says if the temp rises where some scientists are predicting we're all pretty much fucked by 2115. I'll be long gone but my grandkids or their kids won't be. It was ind of funny as the video pretty much laid blame at China and India where almost everyone in Singapore came from....