Fuck it indeed. All week I waited for this game to be happy a little and Jets are laying an egg and allowing Raiders rape them. So sad. Fuck it.
Wasn't going to drink today but I think it's time, should mix nicely with the 30mg morphine I just popped.
Don't listen to the doctors. They just want to prescribe more meds. Combine the two and the meds work better. _
Been taking morphine for a year now and did not know that grapefruit juice increased the effect. When I found that it brought me to a world of other possibilities. Maybe I can get my first good night of sleep in the last month.
Been drinking the best stout I've ever had. Was a gift for my birthday and I hat it stashed since. http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/25888/87246/ From their site: "Imperial Stout aged Twelve months in Rittenhouse Rye barrels with cacao nibs, vanilla beans, ancho chiles & cinnamon sticks". I've also had a ton of Ritalin, god I love Ritalin. No sleep tonight.
So What to drink in Rotterdam tonight? Andy Dutch special beers I should know about? I need high alcohol but easy to drink. Not those bitter IPA's/
Exactly! Just go with any Belgian on tap... With a Meal I go Hoegaarden (White/Weat)... but after I go with any Lagers or Ambers.. Stellas or Maes if you wanna play it safe..
My first night was a dissappointment. Ended up in an Irish bar drinking what is already available in USA. Will try some local places on the weekend.
I have been doing what you told me 2 days ago. Drinking only Tap beers. No bottle stuff. Heineken on tap is really very crisp. Came from another bar right now to check it out and had Grolsch on tap. Not a bad Pilsner. They have free wifi at 4MB/second speed. Will get NFL Game Pass trial for a week and cancel it after the Jets game. I am all set Stokes. Jets at a close by bar on NFL game pass. Now all I need is ear plugs.
2015 Women's Weightlifting World Championship Finals on Eurosport. Watching it Live. A lousy European substitute for good old ESPN. The competition is in Houston by the way. When drunk, even those ugly women look very beautiful. Priscilla my love. 26 years old. Coming to New Jersey this summer. Love her.
"Priscilla"? That doesn't sound like a Dutch name at all. I'm thinking, Anya, Aantje, Svenya, Lizbeth, etc. You know, hot sounding Northern European broads' names. Priscilla is a fat chick from a 50s American sitcom. Brooklyn, have you verified the plumbing yet? I have a feeling your going to find out this chick has some set of balls.
My college roommate met, fell in love with and married within 6 months an incredibly beautiful 23 year old woman named Astrid from Utrecht. He met her when we were all on a trip to Portugal and she blossomed out of an infiniti pool overlooking the Algarve--fully topless. Spectacular, like Playboy spectacular. We all trooped back to Utrecht for the wedding, he brought her back to the states and they were divorced within a year. I still remember those breasteses. Wow. Some really beautiful women from the Netherlands. If you are into that whole blonde haired blue eyed lithe figured goddess look. _