Mets win 7-2 tonight. Cespedes has 4 RBIS and puts the team on is damn back. ¡Esta noche es el tiempo de despertar Cubano!! For those of you who don't speak Spanish.. THIS IS THE NIGHT TO WAKE UP CUBAN!!!!
Do or die tonight boys. Something tells me we get on the board early tonight and Noah brings us a W. Hopefully Game 2 was a wake-up call. Royals are good but they arent 3-0 in the World Series good. The saying goes , the series doesnt start until a road team wins. It's been a magical year , no reason why the magic cant continue.
ONE HOUR UNTIL FIRST PITCH! I am fired up for this game. I hope Thor drops the god damn hammer on The royals!
Conforto also has to show me something tonight. You aren't facing Greinke Arrieta Lester or Kershaw. You're due for a opposite field HR.
Holy shit saw Billy Joel freshman year 1978. Stranger album. Can someone do the math? That was a lifetime again. _