I've about had it with yahoo. Don't mind a little $$-grabbing, but the shit they are doing is just fucking ridiculous. I won't bore you with the list of BS "improvements" they introduced -- all you gotta do is read recent update reviews. Anyway.... I'm looking for a new email host. My needs are very simple -- secure and intuitive. I don't mind paying a little for the access. I don't need quick-access media, social or news updates. I'm not on Facebook, twitter, kik or any other social media and if I don't need news in my email, I know how to get them on my own. In fact, I'd consider it a plus if there are no media icons at all. Gmail, AOL, hotmail? Any other? Any suggestions? Thank you!
Been using Gmail for a few years now Drama Free. No glitches, no issues, nothing but good service and a great spam filter too.
I use Outlook for work via an exchange server. Very good with no complaints. I use Hover email for my private (bill paying and such) email but it also comes with your private email name so you have to be VERY selective when you use it. Folks make fortunes out of selling email lists. Stay with Gmail if this isn't job related. Go with something proven beyond a doubt.
WTF, man!!! It's well documented by the scientific community that Bill Gates did in fact have a hand in hard drive destructions.
I separate my accounts: one for bill pay, another for purchases, another for BS registrations, etc... Sounds like I want to check this Hover email, at least for bill paying
i love BS registrations. go with AOL for that and come up with a hilarious domain..one of my favorite games "Oh, you mean I have to submit my email in order to get the 20% off?... okay, ready, here's my email: buttpincher6969@ aol (dot) com "
I've used it for years without issue once I wised up and stopped giving out the address for damn near everything. I had to abandon my original email addy because of the flood of spam I was getting. Wifey uses Hover as well. Itsa pay service but its not very expensive (annual fee). www.Hover.com
I do something similar: Yahoo for BS registrations One Gmail for purchases One Gmail for normal email
Thank you, all! I have a couple of days off coming up, will spend some time setting up the new accts and updating.
Switzerland The founders of this service work at the CERN research facility as well as MIT. This was formed due to concerns over government spying and programs such as NSA's Epsilon. The theory with this service is that they provide the means for secure communication without retaining any of your data, so that if they were ever drawn under by government actors, there wouldn't be any data to retrieve like you could with normal webmail. That said, the most perfectly secure webmail in the world is useless if other precautions are not taken with it. A man in the middle attack could render encryption on data in transit useless. If you send private email to someone else who isn't practicing security themselves, then your own security goes right out the window. Sent from my SM-G386T using Tapatalk