Well if you're watching the House Select Committee on Bengazi hearing with Hillary, Trey Gowdy is stating this isn't a prosecution because the committee has not reached any conclusions they are just in a fact finding mode. If so why are Repub members of the committee instead of just asking her questions bringing charts and quotes from emails to basically show a conclusion: that she is guilty of negligence, etc. They are allowing her to talk and give a full answer. But I'm surprised considering the recent controversy they are going after her like this. I think she's done a good job but she's being interrogated for hours and at times seems to be wearing down. On a few emails they used they had no names.
Is this in reference to the Benghazi hearing? That's not what the FBI is investigating her for, she's just one of the witnesses in this thing.
So far there have been few other witnesses interviewed except for Hillary and people related to her. Even though there were many others like the CIA and DOD involved at the time with Benghazi. The FBI investigation is a different thing and is about her potentially sending and receiving classified emails on a private server.
Gowdy is taking more heat than Hillary because this incredibly partisan investigation seems more like a witch hunt
If you come out and say something is not political, it is political. Can we taxpayers get our $5 million back?
The Rep from Illinois just spent half an hour accusing Hillary of politicizing Benghazi. It had nothing to do with the supposed reason for this investigation. As she replied to his accusations. Surprisingly they aren't even trying to camouflage their intent.
Ohhh goodie, we get to demand refunds for government spending we disagree with now? I'll go start a list.
Spending $5 million dollars... 72% of the public says this committee is politically motivated... Hillary came out of this looking quite great when compared to the teabags who are delving into talk radio conspiracy land for the whole day... Job well done. You should want a refund as well...But then again, GOP wasteful spending/deficits are okay to you. You didn't care about the trillions in Iraq, Medicare Part D, gov shutdown, unpaid tax cuts... So many losers bitching and moaning about Benghazi while living crappy lives...Puts a smile on my face.
Fuck you and your bullshit strawmans you repeatedly apply to me, I'm sick of it. You're full of shit. All the time. If you want to claim I am for something you need to show a post that backs it up. This thread isn't even about Benghazi but you're too much of a tard to figure that out.
Not that anyone here cares about a video game, but I thought in light of these hearings I thought this would be an interesting read. Online communities like ours thrive on its members and the personality they bring. I was a part of another community that lost a quality member that day: http://www.wired.com/2012/09/vilerat/
Well what did the Repubs on the Select Committee tell you about Hillary. That she's a politician. No big discovery there. And that she's capable of lying. Come on, no big deal. But what did come across is that she's completely informed on foreign policy. She knows US policy and procedure. The people interrogating her didn't. They were embarrassingly ignorant. And she can be very cool. And she doesn't say anything stupid. She answered 11 hours of questions and didn't screw up. I know some people like that. They never shoot themselves in the foot. And because of this they get ahead.
what time did it end? I turned on CNN at like 8PM figuring I'd see some analysis and they were still jawing on and on. Thats gotta be the most our politicians have "worked" in years
ftr - if the benghazi hearing was tax dollars being spent on nothing more than political gain it's despicable and should result in jail time for the offenders. I do think they showed quite clearly that Hillary lied to the American public as well as the families of the people who lost their lives serving the country in Benghazi. So there's that.