So Truth thinks oral sex is 2 people abusing each other, makes me things someone had a bad experience with a priest, this also explains his denial of all the sexual abuses by priests on young children. The real truth is starting to come out.
I remember when I first got out of the service and started smoking ganja, I had this undeniable urge to just write. The next day, I'd read my ramblings and realize how I had a direction I was interested in, but I'd just tangent everything to death until what I wanted to say was virtually meaningless. Every single one of Truth's posts in this thread reads exactly like that.
It may or may not be "healthy" for either of them, but that hardly constitutes abuse. They weren't designed . . . they evolved over millions upon millions of years through natural selection, slowly and meticulously being shaped by their environment and corresponding genetic mutation. This is all a bunch of subjective, highly personal articulations on why things are the way they are in your opinion and how you believe things should be. Again, there's no definitively factual basis for labeling consensual anal sex (or any other sexual behavior you deem "unnatural") as abusive. The assertion that both consensual anal sex as well as masturbation are "psychologically/emotionally harmful" (or harmful in some other significant way, for that matter) is a scientific claim that you have not justified in any meaningful way. Again, you are grossly misusing some "big" words, here. There is nothing scientific about any of your primary assertions. Namely, you have failed to provide any scientific data to support your rather bold assertions that oral sex, anal sex, and masturbation are all psychologically harmful to consenting participants. And, again, you aren't close to successfully defending your absurd notion that these behaviors are inherently abusive. Also, it is rather amusing how often you mention Science. You even have the audacity to insinuate that you have a firm grasp of scientific knowledge and/or principles ( ". . . but when you have both a strong understanding of science . . . ") Let me make this very simple for you: You don't have a strong understanding of science. You haven't got the slightest insight into what it means to approach a problem scientifically. None of your arguments or ideals are particularly well-rooted in Science, and in point of fact, many of the ones that you have expressed in this thread are diametrically opposed to fundamental scientific principles. I'm a physicist - It's painful enough having this thread littered with your imbecilic, pseudo-scientific inferences, without having to also read about how scientifically sound your religious fundamentalism is. Please . . . spare me the phony philosophical scientist routine.
" it's obvious that the dual role of the male "member" is urination and providing sperm cells for cooperating on God's act of creating new life" haa haa!! sounds so lovey dovey doesn't it?
Why do you give this guy the time of day? He knows how wrong he is but is caught in the sunken cost fallacy.
Oh I get it, you suddenly 'got religion' and are now gonna tell us you don't take it up the ass any more? Horsefeathers.
"There are many signs of the widespread loss of confidence in our ability to soar upward, and these have been noted by thinkers as diverse as Carl Jung (psychiatrist), Gabriel Marcel, CS Lewis, Mircea Eliade, Tolkien, etc. Their observations were validated by a 2004 study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry that linked the absence of religion with a marked increase in suicide, meaninglessness, substance abuse, separation from family members, and other psychological problems. Thus, the loss of transcendence is negatively affecting an entire society. It is stealing from countless individuals their sense of happiness, dignity, ideals, virtues, and destiny. Ironically, the evidence for transcendence is greater today than in any other period in history." ~Robert Spitzer, Ph.D.
"Pure in Heart offers an engaging and balanced presentation to adolescents that promotes a healthy attitude towards love and relationships. Our primary aim is to encourage young people to become the best version of themselves by promoting their selfworth, a positive self-image, by demonstrating the long-term positive effects of living chastity (the waiting option) and by providing the necessary skills to build lasting relationships. We have proposed the waiting option to over 120,000 students across Ireland and groups have been established in England, Wales, France, US, Haiti, Kenya and Liberia." Our charism is founded upon the lasting wisdom and unchanging teaching of the Catholic church. In particular her invitation to imitate Christ in his love for others. Chastity is about learning how to love authentically with our bodies. It is a virtue that encompasses purity of heart, mind and body, directing sexual desires to marriage, where it becomes a full expression of love." These things used to be common's sad how far we've fallen as a culture, how immature we've become in our ideas about sex. It all started in the 60's when the young hippies rebelled against the establishment because of things like the Vietnam war, and perhaps a church that seemed too cold and impersonal, too much about what you could not do, rather than the freedom to become all you can be that the Catholic Church empowers us to be. They "threw the baby out with the bathwater", so to speak, and in their rebellion against the coldness and "war mongering" of their parents' generation, threw out all of the good traditions as well. Vatican II started to change that, but we have a long way to go. It's encouraging to see so many of our young people today rejecting the emptiness and error of post-modern relativism and returning to the good, solid morality of the church.