There's definitely a media agenda towards Hilary. What's funny is that so many polls out there, even on the media's own websites, showed Bernie as 'winning' the debate, yet the media headlines were all still saying Hilary won it. She was even third behind Webb on some polls (I think Drudge was one of them?). Example: CNN. ... In contrast to their various articles like "Hillary Clinton's double victory." Pretty amusing stuff watching from the outside. US politics is such an enigma. One thing I think Sanders is doing better than Clinton is what Obama did: Making use of social media and the people. My facebook news feed seems to have been flooded with Sanders articles for the past month or so, and then there's the whole #feelthebern. If he takes it out and becomes the Democrats' candidate, I feel like we'll look back and see social media once again becoming the driving factor in it all. The big thing Sanders has going for him I'd guess is the isn't tied to any big financial backing. I think people are more aware of how much that affects political decisions, and the idea of that being removed from it all at the top is probably appealing to quite a few people.
Flash mobs can vote on facebook as easily as assembling to do a conga line in Grand Central and they can do it in a flash. Bernie Sanders isn't going to come close to the Democratic nomination at any point in the process and he's not going to be the VP either. The question at this point is whether Clinton gets pushed off the pedestal by Biden and we have a brokered convention with Biden/O'Malley or Biden/Webb as the ticket. Webb would take 400 electoral votes and maybe a lot more if the Dems ran him but I just don't see them breaking through their teenage rant phase to make that happen. Biden is going to have trouble breaking through the Clinton wall. The GOP has been stuck in teenage rant mode for at least 5 years now since 2010 and that's going to cripple their chances unless Sanders is the nominee, which is why it won't happen.
I love how Bernie wants college to be free, yea lets make it free, so it can become the new HS where the degrees are worth about as much as they are printed on. Want to go to college for cheap? go to a CC for about 2 years, get good grades and get a scholarship to an state school. My generation is so fucking lazy. No one works, all they want to do is sit around stoned in mommies basement playing video games.
nah. I don't enough think Americans are stupid enough to vote for him. he'll have to expand on his list of "free" shit first.
None of Bernie's agenda is do-able. It's just politically impossible. When asked how he could address that if Pres he said get a new Congress. Like I said not do-able.
I actually like bernie as a person. he seems like he'd be an awesome grampa to have. it might be a little rough trying to split a bill with him at dinner but other than that I'd have a beer with him. as a president? no chance.
I doubt she's laughing openly because her campaign could become nonviable in a heartbeat if the Justice Dept decides to take action against her. As it is the private server thing is hanging over her like the Sword of Damocles and it could fall at any moment. I'd say she's more whistling by the graveyard at this point and praying that everything goes just right. If Joe Biden jumped into the race, claiming that she was going to be unelectable by the time the general election came around it would probably finish her campaign. He's the watcher on all of this. He's the guy who will know first if the Justice Dept is going to do anything and he'll act on that knowledge.
The question is what does Sanders have going for him in a general election and the answer is nothing. He's from a small northeastern state. His views are outside the mainstream. He's older than people generally like in a candidate and he's not particularly charismatic to make up the difference. He wouldn't even be running in the Democratic Primary if the Democrats hadn't slid to the left over the last few years. He'd be a 3% independent candidate who might get up to an election wrecking 18% (for the Democrats) if he ran seriously in 2016, similar to what H. Ross Perot did to H.W. in 1992. It's actually a blessing for the Democrats that he's running in the structure of the party. Now they can dispense with him in the primaries and the worst case scenario is that he runs as an independent after that and is hard-capped at the 3% as a bad loser.
Bernie has already stated he wont run as an independent since he would rather a democrat in office than a republican full stop. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
Larry David as Bernie is great.
Bernie's a good dancer, too. A very likeable guy. btw here is Megan Kelly's interview with Charles Koch, Bernie's most frequent target if you missed it on Thursday. The first time I've ever seen him interviewed.