Jim Webb could steal the show but he probably won't. Don't expect fireworks up there tonight. The Democrats aren't going to rough and tumble the way the Republicans have been lately. I wish they would in some ways because a Hillary talking to her sock puppet campaign is about the worst thing that Democrats could manage on the way to the main event.
I'm interested to see how Lincoln Chafee does. He comes off well in interviews, kind of Ben Carson nice guy good. Except he has experience in gov. But his campaign has raised I think only about a half a million bucks.
It's interesting how the candidates aren't going after each other but the moderators keep pushing them to take shots. Anderson Cooper has been trying to start fights all night.
Chafee has no party to run from. It's kind of sad. We're going to look back at the Obama transition as one of the worst transitions by a new President in history. He took his party right out of the center of the political spectrum and moved them three steps to the left, all the while planning to govern as a centrist President. Then he couldn't make any deals with the Republicans despite great efforts in that area and got stranded in the center with nobody to make deals with.
What really struck me about the group of people on stage tonight is how many of them are there because the Democrats are the lesser of two evils. You had a Socialist, a liberal Republican and a moderate Republican all running for the Democratic nomination because the Republicans have moved so far to the right. Clinton and O'Malley are the two mainstream Democrats in the race at this point. Biden would be the third. I'm probably going to vote for Webb in the primary but he has a very tough row to hoe at this point.
The last Democratic President who was as hardline on whistleblowers as Obama has been was Harry S. Truman, and he was in the early stages of the Cold War.
She made it clear. He's not a whistleblower. He could have been but he decided to give up secrets and broke the law. If you set that precedent by giving Snowden a pardon then you've got problems.
Snowden's argument is that he tried to blow the whistle but nobody was willing to listen inside the government and that he fled and blew it independently when he saw how the administration was dealing with other whistleblowers. This administration and the one before it have been very hostile towards whistleblowers and unreceptive to their claims. This of course is because the Patriot Act basically selectively trashed the Constitution and the Bill of Rights but that's another argument for a different day.
Snowden didn't have to give up secrets. He could have resigned and then talked to the media about NSA policies. And people would have listened to him. I wonder what kind of info he gave to the Russians.
Well Bernie called the Repubs obstructionists and basically said it wasn't Obama's fault. And there is proof that there was organized action by some Repubs including Paul Ryan at the very beginning of his first term to not cooperate with anything he was trying to do. Of course that famous meeting on the night of Obama's inaugural for one. But Obama has not done a good job working with Congress. And there is no way Sanders could work with them either. He was asked about that and his answer was to elect another Congress.
No he really couldn't. http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2015...blowers-times-longer-presidents-combined.html Nobody is listening to whistleblowers right now and if they go to journalists they're getting convicted, often sentenced to long prison terms. Know what you are talking about. It's important.
It depends on where you're getting your information from. I don't know these websites you're using. And who they are calling whistleblowers. Barrett Brown pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice and threatening an FBI agent and got five years. Again Snowden could have quit his job. And written a book or gone on CNN etc. and stated his case without giving classified information. He had a security clearance. Just because he didn't agree with policy doesn't give him the right to hand over classified documents to anyone.
You don't have a clue what you're talking about. Literally not a clue. You think somebody can quit a job that has a security clearance attached to it and then write a book about the stuff he wasn't authorized to divulge while he was employed? Do me a favor and butt out of this conversation because what you are adding to it is completely useless in addition to flat out wrong.
Your sources are bullshit. Sure you can quit a job. And talk about NSA policies. And write a book about them. But without giving away classified docs. Now that's a true whistleblower.
thats why we call it PCL'ing a thread bradway. rambling on and on without having a clue is his schtick