No thanks. I could imagine tho. That's funny. Wasn't somebody calling people clones around here a while back? Remember that thread? That was hilarious
Stephanie A. Smith is a little bitch who got his feelings hurt. Hopefully sports figures will come together in agreement and refuse to be on any of his shows. Then we don't have to see or hear from him anymore.
Not to mention he's the most racist human on the planet. He tries badly to be the voice of black players when in actuality it just comes out as racist babble bullshit. Smh
And he's a complete fraud. When he's talking to an upstanding respected member of sports, say a coach or a longtime announcer or tge like, he speaks and enunciates like and educated person. When he's talking to a player or one of his homies he puts on his ghetto slang persona and starts talking with his street lingidy--it just sounds so phony. _
he said it. His sorry didnt make any sense too, should of been fired. His friend got fired for saying RG3 is a cornball.
i hate stephen a smith. he is so hard to listen too. everything he says sounds likes he preaching and lecturing you.
that dude is a complete piece of trash. there is no reason to listen to him. ever. so I wont listen to it. I don't watch espn, its a fucking catastrophe other than college football.
The problem with Stephen A. is that he's too caught up in the racism he saw growing up in the 70s and 80's that he acts like it's a reality today. He befriended the basketball draft classes of the early 2000s where all of his sources come from. That's what put him on the map as a 'journalist' or 'analyst' if that's what you want to call him. In actuality he just aligned himself as friends with the right players that he was able to get behind the scenes knowledge from. If he befriended all of the players in say the 2002 draft class his career likely never would've flourished (no surprise a draft class with a heavy international base and not many African American superstars). I'm sure players will start to realize he draws attention to the racism that isn't even there anymore. One can hope, especially as 'Melo, LeBron and Wade start to see their careers fade out. I do love watching Skip Bayless hand him his ass on first take. Say what you want about him but if you watched First Take in the beginning days of him vs. Smith you'd see that Skip transformed into playing a character and devils advocate more than he actually believes what he's saying. Stephen A. Smith fully believes all the bullshit he spews and it's sad.