Salient. That's a laugh. You started an attack (saying I repeated myself) and I just in a silly reply mentioned Teddy since everyone on this board knows you've gone into overkill on the guy saying how great he is. As for the multiple gun comment I actually agreed with you. Basically your definition of entertainment is making fun of people. You can as always have the last comment. I'm not going down this road to nowhere again.
Because that's what you do--in every thread--that's why it's called "pcl-ing" a thread. Spew erroneous crap, claim not to understand what you posted then back away. _
So why don't you give me one example of me being erroneous. Which means I either lied or misrepresented a fact.
I have neither the time nor the desire to research then post all the times you've stated erroneous stuff then backed away claiming ignorance of the subject matter. It's what you do. And I don't think you're smart enough to misrepresent facts. _
If you call someone a liar why don't you prove it you phony. As for the 300 million that you made jokes about it's actually more. Most in the world per capita. Or is this a lie, too.
Keep repeating irrelevant numbers. And posting liberal rag articles. It adds nothing to the discussion. And I didn't exactly call you a liar. I'll called you something much worse. _
At least when I post from a liberal rag I announce it. Not like some people who get a super Conservative completely one-sided website or publication and try to pawn it off as a legit source. But I'm sure that's fine with you.
I don't read conservative rags and have never posted an article from one. I don't do partisan politics and you have no idea where I stand on anything. I haven't watched FOX or any conservative news program in over a decade and I don't listen to Rush or O'Reilly or Hannity or Beck or any of those aholes. You just sound like a liberal dipshit posting idiocy you read and hoping it resonates. _
Its common fucking sense that criminals and psychopaths arent going to follow the law. The only thing "gun control" does or would do is leave law abiding citizens helpless. Jesus Christ
If it wasn't a gun free zone he might not have been emboldened to even try. If there is a sign stating the teachers are armed it's even less likely. These people don't want a fight, they want fish in a barrel and media coverage.
I used to think pcl was a troll trying to get a rise out of folks but I'm coming to the realization that he's just not very bright. _
I read and watch all of them. And C-Span too, a lot. Almost every news source has a POV. Even the ones I disagree with. So to engage in a conversation on issues you have to quote something. Some of the lefty ones are biased but still have pertinent info but leave out things they disagree with. Same for the right. What I never watch is local news. Not for many years. Too many homicides. I can't take it.
Our schools are under attack. I don't ever want to send my kid to a school with a "gun free zone" sign. Gun control and signs don't work. It's time to address this problem with a real solution. You know what always ends these situations? A good guy with a gun (usually a cop) or a bad guy killing himself because he is scared of them.
There were a bunch of students on campus who were carrying. Yet they didn't want to get in the crossfire...