Mental health is part of the current background check process they often pass, so is the felony check. HIPPA rules are a barrier but you also have to rely on local judges to report court ordered institutionalization, which is a failure point.
Well, if you just say nothing will work and don't do anything you're accepting the situation. And mentally ill people because background checks are sometimes not effective (and the time period to process before the sale like in Charleston is not long enough) can purchase a gun. Also they can buy one at a gun show with no background check involved. When they say universal background checks this is what they mean: no loopholes. It would be great if the gun lobby like the NRA would support this and if they did it could go down. But when you see even on this board the opposition by gun lovers to any regulation (and their anger when you talk about it) you see the NRA reflects the thinking of many of their members.
Well again if you tightened up the background checks, had more money and people working on this exclusively (and up to date equipment) and tried to improve the relationships between the mental health field, police, schools, local jurisdictions, etc. you would get better results. You obviously aren't going to find all of them because you're talking millions of people. But to say nothing will work is a cop out. If you make this a national priority and hold up any questionable sale of a firearm until a person is 100% cleared almost all people will get their gun purchase in a quick fast manner. The big hold ups would be the people with red flags.
ohhh goodie "tighten up background checks". That's meaningful, if you're regurgitating someone else's thoughts.
This guy graduated from a high school that was specifically for students with emotional and behavioral issues. His mother then decided it was a good idea for him to get a rifle...and take him to the range with it. And let him shoot target practice. His mother's biggest concern was with their neighbor's children playing in the yard and a cockroach infestation she had her neighbors sign a petition to exterminate them, because he son had mental issues and it was bothering him. This mother is fucked
You sound like a carbon copy of the NRA. Talk about regurgitating pat answers but not surprising. Again all you're saying is that nothing can work.
wrong. I gave a solution that will work, guaranteed. my idea. if it's an nra idea too i'd say they're pretty smart.
The founding fathers couldn't have even imagined weapons like we have today. And we're supposed to hold tight to a discourse that said 'all men are created equal'. Black's rights? Women's rights? This whole second amendment argument is so flawed. Just as the founding fathers' thinking was.
So what's your idea. All I saw you mention was something about judges. And if so you're right. It's part of the problem but not the whole problem. Let's face it you're just against the federal gov being involved in anything.
As for easing rules on HIPPA compliance you're probably right. But I don't know all of rules involved with it and if they currently make exceptions. It's a great point. If they don't they should and that's something that the Dems and this Pres who's pushing this reform should definitely try to change. But with that you need universal background checks and more cooperation like with courts and jurisdictions. Imo it's not one thing it's a lot of things and you're still not going to eliminate the problem. But you could try to reduce it.
Totally flawed, otherwise they would have created a Constitution that could be amended! Oh, wait.....
well one issue is that its extremely difficult to tell who is mentally healthy and who will be law abiding.. let alone categorize the groups effectively in a clean, easily accessible database.
I call bullshit on this: If you can set the standard on who is physically able to drive a car, you can set standards on who is mentally able to own a gun. In addition, the CIA has no problem grouping the whole world in a database.
but they suck at setting the standard for who is physically able to drive a car and the CIA might group the whole world in a database but that doesn't mean its very effective either
And I for one cannot wait for the second amendment to be amended. I don't know how this shooter got one gun...but 4?! Why would he need 4 guns...
Fuck it. Truth is, everyone is prospering from these shootings. News media gets their coverage and advertising, people looking to defend themselves from these incidents will buy guns, and future shooters will begin stocking up. It's a win-win for gun sellers.
I think this is a key point esp legally. And the point NotSato made on HIPPA compliance. And are major factors in being able to identify these people and possibly not allow them to purchase firearms. It's a legal tangle in terms of their rights. But definitely worth pursuing.
I don't agree. I think almost everyone was devastated by what happened yesterday. And nobody wants to make a profit on that except for a few internet sickos.