I can picture it, the guys at Homeland Security reading your email: "That's a LOT of ANGRY FACE EMOJIS! He must be SERIOUS!!!"
I will hire @JStokes to defend me against Champ in the court. Man, I wish Stokes didn't blow my cover. Now I am screwed and Homeland Security will send me to Gitmo. What have I done?
No Ralebird but I'd happily provide you with an A4 sheet of paper with the lyrics on and some crayons for you to color in I see Brooklyn is a Galatasary fan, Turkish fans are the craziest bunch of Mofos, I nearly got stabbed by one a few years ago. Arsenal/Leeds fans have a violent history with Galatasary fans. Guess you would never get that hooligan/violent behavior you get in Europe in US
No problem Abz since I born in the USA. Now Brooklyn OTH could be illegal since his visa may have expired or worse he may have illegally enter the country. Shucks for all we know he may be the head of a terrorist cell working to inflict some terrorist act on the USA
No worries. I am one of the peaceful ones. Did you notify them already or not? Please say Hi for me if you didn't already? Oh by the way. My lawyer is reading this thread and he will take action for your hostile behavior. I will sue you for defamation and you will deal with the courts. Enjoy champ. You just got yourself into big trouble. Oh what the heck. More angry faces