Seriously fuck off for this comment. Never took you for one of your jerkoff Masshole brethren but this is dooshbaggery of the highest order. Celebrate a football players injury. Total class shitheel. _
Pretty low class even for a Masshole, so was Brady having his season ended in week one a few years ago karma for Spygate?
I strongly disagree with NEP's comment but the reaction here is pretty pathetic when every other post on this forum is "HOPE HE TEARS AN ACL, THAT FUCKING F-GGOT" whenever a player has a big play against the Jets'. I've never seen a fan base wish injury so strongly against players and get so highly offended when someone from another team's fans does it, and it's not even that he wished injury, and it wasn't even against a Jets' player. Just overall pathetic reaction. And you're being very mild, Barry, citing the "class" card, others are worse.
Why don't you react this way when other forum members say "GOD HE NEEDS TO TEAR HIS ACL ASAP, FUCK THAT FAGGOT" Oh right, because you're from New York. Even lower than the Massholes. BTW, I'm from PA, we have Pittsburgh and Eagles fans here, I don't have a lot of room to talk, but I still feel our native fans are above this.
I tend not to wish injury on anybody, regardless of what team they cheat I mean play for. I just think it's in poor taste and I do think it's bad karma. I actually permabanned one poster by the name of allan1 because he was completely out of control with it. That being said sometimes people's emotions get the best of them but I am not a fan of the f*ggot word. I never use it and I try not to use the b*tch or c*nt word. I say fuck like it's going out of style but those other ones I shy away from. Of course I slip from time to time
Like I said, I definitely wasn't saying you're the culprit, but this forum is ridiculous on wishing injury and as soon as one person calls it "Karma", which I strongly disagree with, for a player getting injured, he gets jumped on. Absolutely nothing against you, probably the wrong person to quote, but the general reaction from 3-4 posters just boggled my mind because of how many of the fans around here are. Again, my reaction was NOT aimed at you.
I still hope Brady gets hurt, and I hope the NFL finds out how they are cheating now with the high scoring as of late. The pats are cheaters. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
I don't feel the need to chastise Jet fans on a Jets board. And I don't care about what most other fans think. And I've never wished injury on any player nor celebrated it. But I'll be damned if I don't chastise Massholes for coming on this board celebrating injuries to other players. Massholes are some of the lowest scum in America. You can't even see New York from under your rock. _
People who play football get hurt because they are people playing football. Not because of karma or what nitwit fans type on the internet. This is a public service announcement.
The NE hubris continues Kraft and Ne Should be fined again for league conduct detrimental as his new criticism of a team . I have no respect for their fans or team
- Hold that thought New England Patriots….. ^^ You posted this at 3:16 p.m. yesterday. The Jax-NE game was a 1:00 p.m. start. So: during the course of the NE Patriot game yesterday, you a Patriots fan (who are logged onto a New York Jets message board) were rationalizing an injury sustained by the quarterback of the Pittsburgh Steelers as destiny caused by a thread that was posted on this, a New York Jets message board? Think about that and then explain to us here at TGG why any right thinking person shouldn't find YOU pathetic? 1. pay momentary moral "lip service" upfront …. 2. project and deflect. 3. claim high moral ground on behalf of the trolling, obsessed, lurking fanbase.
The hypocrisy seems boundless! There must 1000's of posts wishing non-jets injury and we are defending the rapist from the black & gold? Fuck him.
I would never wish an injury on a player but I absolutely wish NFL pain on Burning Elvii. Here are a few gems from Burning: "THeyre gonna file an appeal dipshit, its that simple. Brady may server his time in December, but he may be on IR by then. The next Bernard Pollard will emerge during NE games this year. You can't throw your finger at fate forever." " do the pats play the raiders this year, Bernard pollard came in for a visit" "Always worth the effort Bernard. Your fanclub." And JStokes, get off your high horse. I've seen people rooting for injuries to Brady practically every week here. Making a joke about an injured QB of the fan who is deadset on the idea that Brady should be suspended is minor. The injury already happened. Get over it.
In case you didn't notice, it wasn't much of a game after the first quarter, let alone in the third. I don't care if you find me pathetic.
Actually I never liked my states teams, I'm not from either city, my cities school is called the Patriots and has a logo nearly identical to the NEP, so I've been a fan since first grade/whenever I was old enough to care (used to think they were connected in some way as a kid) about football which was the mid to late 90's. Also aware that you don't care, but I'm not a bandwaggon/front runner fan, my reasons make sense to me which is really the only thing I care about..