Anyone notice that we were walking to the huddle.....shuttling guys in and out, and generally just taking a long time play to play when we were down 3 scores late in the 3rd quarter and into the early 4th? At the game many people including myself were yelling to hurry up....I mean shit, we were down 24-7 at the time, 3 scores I said to the guys around me, watch, we will be down a score as the Eagles are running clock and we will remember this point in the granted we had some bogus call go against us to officially end the game, but we could have used an extra minute at the end of the game if we were to get the ball back there Really concerning IMO.....You don't need to panic, but damn man, a little no huddle or even quick pace offense is probably pretty smart when time is clearly going to be an issue
Very good point, I actually agree....we don't run no huddle enough in general IMO and especially down 3 scores, there was 0 urgency.
If you were at the game you could really see how little urgency there was almost to the point where it would have looked like WE had the big lead if you just came into the stadium, seriously....Guys were screaming in the stands In all facets....slow huddle, Playclock winding down, WALKING to the line, tons of substitutions, etc etc If you're playing to actually come back and win, please go all-in and try....clock management is a huge part of that
This annoys the hell out of me. Almost like they don't care about winning or losing when they're down.
Exactly....extremely annoying I mean if you're just the ball 3 times and punt and lets get the hell out of there But if you're trying to make a comeback, go 100% and let's pick up the damn pace
Especially surprising given it was Fitzpatrick back there. It really put pressure on our defense - the same hustle they had at end of 1st half should have been the pace for 4th quarter. The coaches have to take responsibility for that too though
I blame it more on the coaches actually....I was right behind the Jets sideline and they're just standing there all ho-hum as the clock continues to close in on our comeback attempt There was no urgency from ANYONE on the field or sideline and it was really puzzling We should have been in a quick pace offense the whole 2nd half actually....atleast until it becomes a one score game.....We may not have got the comeback in the end, but I guarantee we left atleast 2 minutes on the board if you trace it back from the 3rd quarter into the 4th
There really is no 'no huddle offense' with our team...I dont know but I wish we saw more of it and let Fitzy handle playcalls
Couldn't agree more. I was at this game and the fact that they kept getting chances to really make it a game thanks to stops on defense/that turnover, they would huddle up while time was ticking. We were still down 2-3 scores and it was getting later and later. I was yelling out "why is there no sense of urgency?!" so many times while this was going on. It was incredibly frustrating.
I don't disagree but it could also be a product of so many moving parts and a complex playbook. You can't run the two minute drill the entire second half with only a handful of plays installed. Remember, we had two first year receivers in our base sets. I'm not trying to make excuses because it's terrible to watch. The running game being non-existant is going to kill this team.
I don't know what's up with our o-line but they can't run block to save their lives this year. I was on the phone with my dad at the end of the third and beginning of the fourth. The entire time, I was bitching about how they were using up the entire play clock between plays despite being doing three scores.
Fitzpatrick probably could have sped things up, but he looked unsure of his protections and needed to check them before he threw the ball, which makes sense in general but takes time to do thoroughly. In the end he ended up stepping into the wrong throwing lane anyway and turning over the ball. What a disaster.
Bingo ... if the coach is screaming on the headset and the sideline "HURRY THE F--- UP!!!" the team will eventually get the message. It falls on the coaches.
I actually thought that they looked like they did not expect to win, they did not care about winning, and they were just going through the motions to get the game over. The effort was SO poor all game, and the dumb assed mental mistakes, and the lethargic look they ALL had. It just looked completely opposite of how they have looked in games 1 and 2.