Craig Carton's a whiny Joan Rivers sound-a-like who deserves to have his little caper nads kicked in courtesy of a punch from a mantis shrimp.
and so with this twist of news, comes new news of appeal motion filed too
I think at this point, it not even about the deflated footballs. This is about the ability of the NFL and the commissioner to enforce the rules as allowed by the collective-bargaining agreement with the players Association. No doubt the Patriots and Tom Brady opened a can of worms when they took the NFL to court over this issue. It's my belief that the Cheaters went from the showcase franchise to showcase pariah in the eyes of the commissioners office.
yup sure is, it's the scandal of hiding the action, and lying and the cover up, then the wag of the finger at the NFL saying what are you gonna do to me....then a like spoiled child pouting. Wait til the infedelity stories start coming out........i read that there are some things brewing that the paparazzi news rags are hinting.......but until it reveals itsself, more rumors on that front.
Not surprising given the OP, but the title is very wrong. He will not be suspended this season even if he loses.
Hey dickless, we're not the ones going to a rival forum seeking approval. And before you deny that's why you're here, shut up and fuck off.
You're telling me like it came from my mouth. I simply posted / linked all the stories here reporting, refuting and the actual appeal detail Is that water jar getting heavy yet? Tommy is going to have the hugest fall from grace, it will leave a lasting hole and one big lesson will be learned
Boomer and Carton are fantasizing. Any potential suspension is not happening this season. "The league filed in federal court seeking to accelerate the legal process, and the NFLPA agreed to go along with the request. The NFL proposed the following dates, according to the motion: Opening briefs due on Oct. 26, the NFLPA’s responses on Dec. 7, and an NFL reply to those responses by Dec. 21. Oral arguments have been requested to be scheduled in January 2016 or as soon afterward as the court's schedule allows."
Consider Ben getting injured karma for creating this ridiculous thread. Time to go back to your mother's basement.