Interesting read. F the stats for a second geno lovers. Do any of you geno lovers believe that the future is now? Like this year. Have you watched the first 2 games? Have you witnessed a different feel of the games this year? Decades ago, teams would wait years before putting qb's on the field. Late development of the position was commomplace. A very intelligent guy from harvard who has bounced around the league on some god awful teams but has always been one extermely smart and one tough s.o.b. gets reunited with an OC who he had good success with....on a roster filled with hall of famers compared to what he had in buffalo. Have you guys ever witnessed a mutiny? Thats what would happen to this team even if Bowles told a knock knock joke with it ending "Geno is the quarterback". If you cant read between the lines of what players are saying about the feel of the team right now with Fitz as the qb? Keep arguing. Its very entertaining.
You're the one who said Geno played better than Fitz last year. You have completely confused yourself. Nato was right about the bath salts. _
Fitz didn't outplay him last year. There's really no argument. They were about the same level and bad and both got benched last season. So tell me how he outplayed him? If he was so good Houston certainly wouldn't have let him go for Hoyer. Come on man. You don't have to say anything positive about Geno, but at least acknowledge Fitz has many short coming. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
You sound foolish. You have no idea what you are talking about. Keep repeating it. It's not going to make it true. It just sounds more and more foolish every time you say it. Should I repost every single objective stat where Fitz was better. Every single one? Cut your loses dude. _
Perhaps, just maybe, the decision to let Fitz go was a mistake...this whole issue is such a non-argument, it borders on the absurd.
I know exactly what im talking about. I don't need you to validate it. You still can't provide a single valid point to what you say other than to say you sound foolish or something to that effect. You saying that to me doesn't make what you say fact. So it is what it is. Fitzpatrick hasn't been average his entire career save for maybe one season.There is no reason to expect he could do it this year either. I hope he does. Trust me I do. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Yeah you're right. Point to the objective stats from last year where Geno outperformed Fitz. Point to the facts. _
I did and neither had a good year. Both equally sucked. Don't be mad I called you on this golden boy view of Fitzpatrick you seem to have. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
I showed your the facts when Fitzpatrick did not outplay Geno. Sit there and pretend like a few points means the world and skew the numbers. The fact remains they were pretty much the same last season Stat wise. If it's not about last season, then move on. There's nothing to worry about. I'm not rooting for Fitz to fail. I hope he succeeds. I'll root for whoever is playing, but that doesn't mean I will ignore their short comings. Just as I did with Geno last season and Sanchez before him. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Grow up dude aren't you like 70 and behaving like a 12 yr old? I proved my point. Fitz sucks were only kidding ourselves into thinking he's good. Let it go and move on Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Except Fitz did outplay Geno last season, and it wasn't really close. Most aren't saying Fitz is elite, great or even good. It isn't the point.
It really was close. He did not outplay him. He would have kept his job if he did. I'm not gonna argue that. The Texan were better with Mallet last season. See here's the thing. What you said doesn't bother me. It's not the people like you who I have a problem with. It's the one who get on here after you say Fitz made this mistake, and you get "oh no he didn't, Geno woulda thrown a pick there". Or you say Fitz doesn't have a good arm and people go his arm looks fine to me. It's like don't sit here and be stupid about it. He has clear flaws that everyone can see don't ignore them suddenly to support your new view. You can see it in the coaches face he felt like they needed to get better. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Don't tell me to shut the fuck up. I pointed to my point of showing you Fitzpatrick didn't outperform Geno last season. There numbers are pretty much even. He had better support and still didn't look good. All I need to say is Fitzpatrick was so ineffective he got benched for an unknown in Ryan Mallet. My point is made. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Yeah like I said let me know how your talent evaluation skills are working for you. I've seen all the "good' qbs you drool over like I said earlier, not impressed. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Point to the objective stats where Geno outperformed Fitz. Point to the facts. Because you can't. You just keep repeating inanities. So STFU. You sound foolish. _