Guys a machine. It was rough though. In my more competitive money league I was playing Edelman and I had Scobee. Lose - Lose
Manning kept me in this matchup between us. Need 43 points to beat you! Ill take Kaep to Boldin for 2 scores please!
Please God no! Lol - I got Phil Dawson in my other league so I hope he gets points instead of Kaep or Boldin
Haha. I got boldin in my other league so I'm hoping for at least one score. I got boldin Charles Johnson and he has Julio parkey and Eagles D. I'm up 34.5
Thought I was going to coast to a win this week.. Romo going down f'ed me and Evans putting up a big fat goose egg hurt as well
How is everyone doing? I wish this thread, and the league in general were more active. I'm having fun with it so far at least.
No one is undefeated, the league is pretty competitive. Looking to trade a QB away if anyone is interested. I got Peyton fucking Manning and Drew Brees