So the fire Idzik goons got their way... happy?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jetfannerd, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Yes, permanently.
  2. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    No, it isn't. That's just ridiculous and shows your lack of knowledge about the draft process from year to year. Some years are very lean. They have a few great players at the top, and then a bunch of "meh" players and worse. Some years there may be only 5-10 players who are really worthy of a 1st round pick. Depth at positions can vary widely. Last year was a considered a poor year for OTs Aside from Winston and Mariota, last year was considered a poor year for QBs. 2013 was an AWFUL year for QBs. 2014 was a good year for QBs.
    101GangGreen101 and James Hasty like this.
  3. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    You wouldn't. Are you trying to become the new nyjunc with your contrarian opinions? You must live in some bizarro universe where everything is opposite.
    James Hasty and FlaJet like this.
  4. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Do you know why people get nasty with you? It's because you are ALWAYS a contrarian just like nyjunc. Most of the time your opinions have no basis in fact and are just absurd.
    James Hasty likes this.
  5. DRC™

    DRC™ Active Member

    Aug 12, 2010
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    Idzik had the right idea. He wanted to build through the draft and go after free agents to fill holes. The execution was where he fail.

    Also didn't help that he was the GM during 2 crappy free agent classes yet fans and media were still whining about him not overspending on those free agents
    FJF likes this.
  6. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    If fact, fact wonderful news cause with so many of his negative posts especially about the SB winning NYJs I really wondered if he was a NYG fan in disguise :mad:
  7. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    Contrary to what. Your opinion. So if disagree with you than I'm contrary. Where are your facts. All I'm saying it's too early to adequately judge his two drafts.
  8. jcass10

    jcass10 Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
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    I'm not saying at the end of the day, some drafts dont end up with deeper talent than others. Obviously some drafts are better than others.

    That wasnt what I was saying though. If thats what you read, I'm sorry. What I meant was that going into the draft process we always hear that it is a "deep draft." Its only years later we find out how the later rounds of the draft played out and how "deep" it actually was. Last year and the year before we heard about how much talent is in the draft, and starter quality players could be found in the 5th and 6th rounds.

    Maybe I didnt word it as well as I could, but maybe you should ask for clarification before being an ass and calling out someone's lack of knowledge on something. Other peopel seemed to understand what I was saying.
  9. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Contrary to fact, to accepted thinking in football, to 95% of the posters here. It has nothing to do with disagreeing with just me. Plenty of people disagree with me and I'm fine with it. If it were occasional occurrences with you, I'd have no problems with it, either, but when it's every single time you disagree with me or most everyone else, it gets old and ridiculous. You're just like nyjunc, or maybe you ARE him with an alternate account.

    Listen, otherwise you seem like a decent guy. I'm not trying to rag on you, just pointing out why people may respond negatively to you.

    Normally, I would agree that it's too early to judge Idzik's drafts, but when you have a 12 player draft that is supposed to reshape the team's future and you miss badly with many, if not most of the picks, and half those players are no longer even on the team, how can there be any doubt? We know Richardson's a great player, and hopefully he has learned his lesson, and will have no more off field issues. What if he hasn't? What if he continues to have off field issues, and stays suspended half the time? Judging a draft pick is not just based on their talent and production on the field. It also has to take into account their character and ability to stay on the field and not be suspended or in trouble with the law. Ik has talent, but he has anger and self control issues. It doesn't matter that he may have been a good pick talent-wise, he's no longer on the team. Geno has a ton of talent, but if he has little or no leadership ability, or if other players won't respond to him because he's a smug prick, it won't matter how much talent he has, and he will have been a bad pick. Further, if taking Geno is the reason that Idzik didn't take Bridgewater, then Geno was a bad pick.

    Pryor has a chance. So does Amaro, although those chances aren't as great today as they were two months ago. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like Dozier is going to develop. Aboushi and Winters are meh. At least with Aboushi, he was a 6th round pick, I think. Winters was a 3rd round pick, however, and 3rd round picks should be solid starters. Winters isn't that, not yet, and may never be. While perhaps we can't make a final, absolute, clear-cut determination on Idzik's abilities with respect to the draft, the scale is tilting very heavily in that direction. We should have already seen a lot more benefit out of the players he took. More of them should be starting or playing key backup roles on the team. More of them should still be here.

    I knew nothing about Idzik when he was hired. After I learned a little about him, I rooted for him, but felt like his hiring was a mistake. I believed that the Jets needed a GM whose expertise and whole career had been spent in personnel and scouting, not administration. It's looking more and more like I was correct and that Idzik was a bad hire. IMO that can't be disputed.
    edray10, FlaJet and tomdeb like this.
  10. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    Shows how much you know--they don't even call it global warming anymore--it's now called climate change. If you still worship Rex Ryan and his 4 consecutive non-winning seasons with the jets, go follow the Bills.
  11. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I'm sorry if I was an ass, but the way I interpreted it is the way it reads to me. I still think your memory is wrong in that going into a draft everyone thinks it's a deep draft. That's just not the case. I've heard plenty of "experts" saying that drafts were not deep, or that they were shallow or weak drafts overall, or that it was a weak draft for certain positions. IMO that's the crux of the issue. Yes, starters can be found in the lower rounds of drafts, but that doesn't mean that they are deep, just that there are flaws in player evaluations or that some players are late bloomers, or had poor coaching in college.

    I'm sorry if I impugned your overall knowledge of the draft. You're right in that we all should ask questions more rather than responding with put downs. I'm sorry that I didn't ask if that's what you really meant or at least left the comment out about your draft knowledge. It was just that the way it was written seemed to clear cut that it didn't seem to leave room for a question, but maybe I need to learn to ask questions regardless of how strongly someone states their opinion. Peace. My intent wasn't to be a personal attack on you, just to point out that your thoughts or opinion on the draft were faulty.
  12. jcass10

    jcass10 Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
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    It's not a big deal. There are many worse things said on the internet. We're good. If you thought my views were faulty, it happens. I thought yours were as well.

    If you dont hear the "deep draft" rumblings going into every draft than it certainly isnt worth arguing about. I feel like I've been hearing it for the last 5 years or so.

    Either way, the point is that Idzik was crap and we should all shit on him and praise Mac.
    FlaJet likes this.
  13. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Good. As I said, it wasn't meant to be a personal attack, although I can see why you think it was. I appreciate your response. We don't have to agree.

    We are in total agreement with your last sentence. Unless some of Idzik's picks suddenly develop and become key players for the Jets (aside from Richardson), Idzik definitely was crap. Even if he was just mediocre or even average, Mac is light years better and that's the important thing. Go Mac! Go Jets.
  14. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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  15. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    I've been saying this about Idzik for months. And think his firing was unwarranted after only 2 years. I think most disagree but not 95%. You can look at other teams like his current franchise the Jags and say their drafts were even worse. And look at Blake Bortles poor rookie season. But it's too early to grade Caldwell or Jax yet. As for being contrary for not agreeing with you or a few others. I'd much rather you agreed with me. But don't care and respect your opinion and enjoy a peaceful discussion. But I won't get into name calling.
  16. FlaJet

    FlaJet Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2003
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    Good for U there is no need to get into name calling. This is JMO but I tend to believe Caldwell's draft will be better than Idzik's. And as far as Jax is concerned, any team who would hire Idzik in any capacity after his dismal showing in NY is just dumb. But at least Jax put him in a position where his decisions won't effect game time. In Jet nation, Idzick's name is synonymous with Kotite.
    James Hasty likes this.
  17. Dreadmadseen

    Dreadmadseen Active Member

    Oct 13, 2009
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    Yes very very happy!!
    James Hasty likes this.
  18. Unhappyjetsfan

    Unhappyjetsfan Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2013
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    There is nothing "after the fact" about my criticism of Idzik. As soon as it became clear he tanked the off-season to get rid of Rex, my criticism was voluminous and clear. We have a search function; anyone who doubts me is welcome to use it.
    James Hasty likes this.
  19. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    We'll just have to agree to disagree regarding Idzik. I think his firing was totally justifiable. Even if other teams had worse drafts (I don't think they did), that's not a justification for keeping him. That would just keep the team mired in mediocrity. IMO they didn't have worse drafts because they didn't have 12 draft picks. That was a defining moment in the team's history. You can't miss or be mediocre when you have that many picks. He did. Even if some of his players eventually develop, it wasn't soon enough. 1st and 2nd round picks should be immediate contributors if not quality starters. That was NOT the case with Idzik. Part of the Jets problem is that they've been TOO patient with some of their GMs and HCs. We need stability, but stability will only come with finding the RIGHT GM and RIGHT HC, not with mediocre ones. Idzik was not the right one. He clearly demonstrated that he was too cautious and that his acumen in assessing talent was lacking. He missed badly in FA and the draft. He had to go. If he was still here, there's no way we'd have any hopes for this season, and we probably wouldn't have Bowles as the HC, and wouldn't have Quinn either. He'd have hummed and hawed around until both were signed elsewhere or had decided to stay put. We'd have been stuck with some retread or 3rd tier candidate. No thanks.
  20. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    Those 12 draft picks were because of comp picks the Jets received and were not higher picks. And wouldn't have made a big deal but I agree he should have used a few picks to either trade up or into the following season. As for fans who say we should have taken a different receiver and a guy who played above his drafting position. That is front running. And the three Wrs he did take last year are all in the NFL including Saunders. And it looks like Quincy will make the team and maybe be a contributor. Not sure about Evans. But it's still too early to call these guys busts. Esp after injuries. I feel he was doing the smart thing trying to rebuild the secondary with young players over expensive free agents. But he did go after Vontae Davis and DRC he just didn't sign them. Neither did other teams who were interested in them. I don't like being told I'm stubborn just because a few guys don't like a differing POV. Personally I don't care what your opinion is. And hating Idzik is a legit opinion. So is thinking he was prematurely fired.

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