I'm pretty sure the only people who ever proved anyone innocent were the Priestesses of Vesta....and there were some serious downsides to having that proven. Serious.
This is why so many fans think Brady is guilty: they don't understand anything. First of all, "weight" has nothing to do with it, it's pressure, measured in pounds per square inch, (not "pounds", which is weight). Second, if Brady likes the footballs at 12.5 psi which is legal, and Luck likes them at 13 psi, when the weather cools, the Pats footballs will still be at a lower pressure than the Colts footballs. Third, none of the pressure gauges used by anyone, refs or ballboys, are accurate, so there will be some spread in the measurements. You said "And has never deflated a ball to the weight it was in that game", but that's not knowable, because the league never paid attention to ball pressures until now. In fact, it gave qb's the latitude to have the pressure they want within limits. Julio
He did question the evidence on multiple cases though and none was ever produced. What will be very interesting is that the court has ordered the NFLs sealed documents for this case to be unsealed.
Im glad he is cleared. We would never be given credit if we do win the division or get into the playoffs if Brady was suspended.
Blow to the NFL? Just another bolt of free publicity. The only thing that will really hurt the NFL is if/when most hits are outlawed because of concussions and there's no more kids coming up the ranks because their parents won't let them play. Other than that, I expect record viewership this year. Nobody in the general public cares about any of these soap operas except to have something to talk about
Atleast Sheldon won't get any more games NFL never informed him that driving 141 MPH in a Bentley with marijuana and a kid in the back could constitute a suspension
Good for them This whole thing was stupid. He had extra air in some footballs. Boo fuckin hoo. So what? Big deal If I'm them I'm going to court trying to get my draft pick back lol This doesn't affect the Jets in my eyes in anyway. They were going to face him anyway in both games. It would only matter if you're one of those people who thought it was going to help the Jets win the division even though Fitzpatrick is the QB
It means zero, nada, no issue whatsoever for the Jets....but a huge black eye for Almighty God Godell and the NFL dictatorship.
This does not prove that Brady was innocent. This proves that the NFL put together a poor case in handling this shit to begin with. Way I see it. According to Mike Francessa the most complaints at the competition committee yearly are against the Patriots. That does not get lost on the owners. NFL gets word from Ravens or Colts that Patriots have been using under inflated footballs. NFL warns the referees that the Patriots may be using under inflated balls. Ball bag disappears and the ref crew gets pissed that they have caught Patriots in the act of "cheating". There are no procedures in place allowing lawyer to poke hole in the procedures used to measure the footballs. Other owners catch news of the story. Aware of other cheating allegations against the Patriots and pissed at the Spygate handling tell Goodell to investigate. NFL puts together a poor investigation on an equipment violation. And we are off. Doesn't mean that the Patriots aren't cheaters. Means that the NFL put together a poor case, and that case was overturned by a judge.
Well, Kessler beat them again at least to this point and on technicalities. btw here's an article in PFT detailing Jonathan Vilma's advice to Brady which turned out to be good advice. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.co...om-brady-lawyer-up-and-beat-the-nfl-in-court/
Goodell reminds me of our asshole president. Just does whatever the hell he feels like and everyone else can go screw
I was thinking that exact same thing which is why I think the NFL wins on appeal, I'm sure they didn't tell Peterson he would be suspended for using a switch on his kid either, that's why they have the catch all Personal Conduct Rule.
It is true Brady was not proven innocent. However proving someone to be innocent is never part of a trial. What you have to show is that the person involved is guilty. During the testimony we had this: "Berman kept grilling Nash until the lawyer admitted, finally, that the league had no direct evidence “for that specific game” that there was any plot by anyone on the Patriots to deflate air from footballs."
Less pressure still affects the weight of the ball. Brady isnt a dummy. He knew what was happening. And he lied about that. If the Pats had their balls had a lower PSI that isnt the issue. The PSI was below the league limit. IDC how bad the weather was it would never affect it to that length.
How can you get direct evidence anyways. Unless you have a video record of the entire event and that's almost impossible. Even testimony under oath can be questioned. They had a ton of circumstantial evidence. But the NFL again miscalculated.