I got that feeling in the opening sequence that he was going to be the main character for better or worse. I don't think they will turn him for at least 3 seasons, but it's just a hunch.
Yeah, I see them turning him into their redemption story. The whiny son is the one I think is going to bother me.
Yeah, my wife was bitching about the kids through the whole episode. Have to give it a few more weeks though.
I like the drugged up/withdrawal guy so far. Agreed, need to give it time. I guess cause of Labor Day there isn't an episode next week. That is a mistake. Should have kept it rolling. Episode 2 was okay, just like 1.
Seriously? After 2 episodes a break? These things make no sense. Why does it matter at All that it's a half way holiday? Fans will still tune in..
Maybe it takes 2 weeks to do a reshoot and add some action to the episodes. Another sleep pill episode last night.
Fear the Walking Douche. The drugged up son is going to be this series Beth. Annoying and cant wait for him to be taken out.
I don't think it has anything to do with instant gratification. I'm perfectly fine with them going slow early to set the show up, and I was excited about the prospect of seeing the collapse of a major city. The problem is that the plot has more holes than a fishing net, the writing is really bad with about the clumsiest dialogue you could ask for, and none of the characters are all that interesting.
Even though I record everything there are many people who will be away since Monday is the holiday. They do it every year with multiple shows, not out of the ordinary.
The ratings dipped a bit the second week. I love the premise of the show. I like knowing things that the characters don't know but the acting & the writing have been very disappointing. I'm going to stick with it though.
Not a spoiler, but somewhat revealing of the two shows if you haven't seen them: I don't think anyone knows how the infection began, but in theory it is this infection that begins the zombie apocalypse. From there the zombies can accelerate it. Think of humans as latent carriers of a disease that hasn't yet struck. FYI, this can happen. Lyme disease is now thought to fight your immune system on a low level until breaking out when you have a concurrent infection that taxes your already stressed immune system. Lyme may be able to keep this up INDEFINITELY! So the theory that people are infected but the "disease" only rears its ugly head upon death is plausible (even if raising the dead isn't.... I hope). Once you're "zombiefied" then you're just another disease agent acting to accelerate the plague. By biting people you can then pass on an ACTIVE form of the disease that immediately overwhelms their immune system. So while everyone is "infected" the failure to contain the infection, identify it, etc, are all reasons why it has been so devastatin.... at least in theory. While this isn't explicitly spelled out in the series, I think these are reasonable conclusions and extrapolations based on what the shows show you happening IMHO. As for the new series, I agree with many of these assessments. The pacing is just right. I don't understand why people want it to go faster when the whole point is to deal with the breakdown period. They only took an episode to get to the start of this breakdown--that's hardly slow paced. OTOH, I also agree that the family/characters are weak. There is also some stupid stuff (there always in in TWD) that infuriates me. SPOILER Example: why does that kid (Tobias?) come back to school for his knife? It looked like a friggin' kitchen knife. So does his family have only ONE steak knife? Doesn't it make more sense to skip the damn knife and just open the drawer at home and, voila, more knives! At least he mentions getting some supplies from school as well, but this is almost as an afterthought. And anyway, who wants to eat school cafeteria food!? If the other option is starvation, then maybe (I'd have to think about it), but otherwise screw that....
I despise the kids as well, but the dad character is a decent guy. The two women might develop well, we will see. I also have high hopes for the high school kid who apparently only had one steak knife (see my post above). I have never doubt we will see him again. The worst move AMC ever made with TWD was clashing with Frank Darabont. He set up an amazing foundation for TWD and it is the story combined with Darabont's onscreen vision that has made TWD so successful. Fear doesn't have the good fortune of being started by someone if the caliber of a Darabont, so I'm not surprised by some bumps. Then again, most series have bumps early on. So credit TWD's amazing start to the early behind the scenes work of the people who started the show. Since then AMC has cut the budget every season, even as the rating have gone up, and I doubt that they've changed their approach with this series. It is stupid and shows a phenomenal lack of vision. Edit: what plot holes did you have in mind? Not disagreeing, I just like to discuss these things and I'm just curious what you're noticing.
Your kid with the steak knife is one of the things that annoyed me the most, not just the steak knife but the mere existence of his character. He's aware of the civilization collapse before anyone, is hoarding food from the school, but somehow is unable to locate another common wood handled steak knife. I'll get back to him in a minute. Other things that annoyed me, some are plot holes and some are just flat out lazy writing: - The mother finds Oxycontin in the school nurse's medicine locker?? - After two shootings and one really strange encounter with a friend of the drug kid, the father is already convinced that they should leave the city and had too the desert. - The supposedly intelligent daughter walking down the middle of the street with her ear buds in during a time when emergency vehicles are randomly flying by out of nowhere in the city - The neighbor packing supplies into his trunk has a mild cough and ends up turning into a walker hours later, but the boyfriend is unreachable by phone for days (after a bite) and he's still alive and bedridden - the guy that jumps onto the city bus to announce to the passengers someone has been shot (this one isn't bad but is typical lazy writing, this kind of thing never happens and hurts suspension of disbelief) I'll add some more as I think of them, I'm half asleep right now. I think my biggest issue is the fat acne kid though, because you know he'll end up being a regular character. He's going to be a tool that the writers use to take shortcuts. "How does the group know details of civilization decline?" "Fat kid saw it on the internet." "How do they know to shoot them in the head?" "Fat kid saw it on the internet." He's a device of lazy writing and the producers' fear that the audience will lose interest and stop watching if they don't make civilization collapse fast enough. So in order for the characters to believably survive, they need a zombie world Yoda to help them through the more difficult parts. I'll keep watching, because, well, zombies, but it's definitely not a good start. The lack of Darabont's style is apparent (he made the TWD pilot look like a motion picture) even though he is no longer with the original series. I still think he was one of the main reasons for some of the stinker seasons, though.
Actually I am pretty sure the food was his main reason why he is there, when Madison shows up he just figured, bonus, now I can be armed on the way home.