Holy crap, Ridley Scott with another Philp K Dick novel, a la Bladerunner. Looks like a winner, can't wait. _
We'd all be fitness nuts in service to the Fatherland, and live in a world of Aryan inspired Fear/Peace. Instead of slaves to the Jews Mortgage interest calculation.
Do you know the difference between Golda Mier and a bowling ball? If you absolutely had to...you could eat a bowling ball.
It's really too bad he didn't get to direct the entire Alien series. Cameron's contribution was excellent but Scott really understood how to make the Alien the scariest thing around.
I know what I am about to say does not mean that the show in question cannot be worthwhile to many. But I count myself among those who think the Axis was destined to lose WWII from the get go, or certainly from the point Germany attacked the USSR, which was probably inevitable anyway. Even some sort of negotiated settlement was not realistic. It might have taken longer if specific things had not happened, like Stalingrad, Midway, and the like. But it was not realistic to think they would win. Just a matter of time. That being the case, I would find it hard to get into a series the whole premise of which strikes me as too fantastical. Having said htat, does anyone remember the film Red Dawn? It had its moments, although again too fantastical, if perhaps not as unlikely as an Axis achievemnt of world domination.
its fantasy but so are shows about the zombie apocalypse... about a guy who gets bit by a spider and takes superpower characteristics of that spider... about a power struggle in medieval Europe where seasonal changes of weather, ecology and hours of daylight last years and years... do you have problems watching all shows based on fantasy premises? if so, you probably don't watch much TV at all.
In fact i tend not to like fantasy shows. Sci Fi like Bladerunner is fine since it was within the realm of possibility. I watch movies more than tv anyway, but for tv the shows i have liked in recent years are shows like Mad Men, Boardwalk Empire, The Sopranos. I hate that comic book superhero crap.
The German national team would be mediocre. Funniest thing is that the Germans have Africans and Poles on the team. Hitler rolls over in his grave (wherever the hell that is) every time they show the World Cup. To me, it came down to how smart Hitler would be about Russia/USSR. He wasn't smart. Invading Russia when he did was a death sentence to the Axis.
El BJ would be considered an untermesnch and we wouldn't have basketball as one of the world's popular sports. The other day I was watching the movie Downfall and in it, the movie Hitler predicted that the East would beat the West(did the real Hitler do the same?) Great news for us if so, because it would be another thing Hitler was wrong on. NATO has better ships, a better air force, more troops, and probably better nukes too. The Allies could have taken the nukes and the German forces and marched right into the USSR like Patton wanted to do, and we would have never had the cold war, that's also interesting to think about.
The premise seems to be that the Germans obtained nuclear weapons before USA. It's an interesting thought since that was a pretty critical moment.
9/11 has changed us in ways we couldn't have predicted beforehand. We spy on ourselves much more than we did before we were attacked. We've turned into a surveillance state in many ways and a lot of them can't be challenged in open court. We've essentially invaded the Middle East and set up outposts all over the place, occupying either directly or via dictators and puppet governments. This is a big part of Death to America, which used to be an Iranian and Iraqi thing and is now regional. The idea that we could have invaded and occupied the USSR without the experience changing us dramatically is far-fetched. First of all it would have taken an enormous continuing effort just to make the invasion work. Many people have tried that and winter made them all run sooner or later. So you say that we could have nuked them into submission instead. Well, maybe we could have but that would have made an America with a very different public image than the one we enjoyed from the end of WWII to the end of the Cold War. That America would have looked a lot more like Nazi Germany to the rest of the world, first in whispers and then openly as the realization that we couldn't nuke everybody set in. Death to America. That's what empire brings when it is extended over people who do not want to be ruled over. It's a potent meme for people to rally around and we'd be better off leaving the places where the meme is prevalent and letting things sort themselves out.