Notify NYC - Media Production Notification issued 8/26/15 at 5:00 PM. On Thursday, August 27, the filming of a TV series will involve simulated gunfire and an actor posing as a sniper inside the window of a private building. The building will be located in the vicinity of Wall Street and William St, Manhattan. The scene will take place between 7:00 AM and 2:00 PM. The NYPD Movie/TV Unit will be on site. Must be at least 10 fighters...saw Air force A-10 in the mix... movie? I say illumanati
I guess seeing military planes in NYC would cause panic. I live near an airport and they do touch-and-go's daily, sometimes fully armed. Not the greatest feeling. Hopefully it's just a film production.
nice practice. In all seriousness its amazing how much freedom/power Hollywood has... Good thing nothing serious happened.
I think it surprised some people this morning. There wasn't too much coverage about what they were 'really' doing.
We have the plains from either Offut AFB or the Nebraska air national guard (I'm not sure which one) doing maneuvers overhead pretty often. I think its pretty cool.
tv show. My guess is Person of Interest. They film all over the city (mainly brooklyn and manhattan).
Live near Langley AFB in VA. Frequently see F22's flying around. Watching them take off is a sight to see.
My brother was a Marine fighter pilot, did two stints in Keneohe Bay, Hawaii. His first tour there he flew F-4s and his second he flew F-18s. We visited him when he was there and each time he'd take us into the tarmac and we'd watch touch and go's for a half hour. It was awesome and the sound from those things just filled you up. _
4 years on the flight deck of the uss g.w. i have seen and heard just about all the fighter jets i need. the engines on take off rattle your whole frame when your on deck.
Damn I would love to do that just once. Must be incredible. My brother told me his first night landing was pretty damn scary. _
the first day i was pretty awe struck. My first time working nites was almost terrifing. But nothing is scarier than working on deck during flight qualifications for new pilots.
I've always wondered what it would be like to be on a carrier or a battleship (when they had them). Just once to go out and experience that on the high seas. A submarine not so much. _
Can't speak for the batteships. I was strictly aviation. carriers are way different based on other peoples experience. They're so big you don't feel the ocean and if you do it means you're not allowed on deck. There aren't many places in the world to dock a boat like that either. So pulling into port meant docking a cpuple of miles off shore and getting ferried to land. Not bad going but a good chop on the water and a drunk sailor is a bad mix getting back to the ship. Open sea is open sea. There is nothing out there. Sometimes you see a whale or dolphins, in the persian gulf seas snakes, not much else. Flight operations are cool though. Everyone on deck moving aircraft, launching, landing, repairing. Alot happening in a confined area. Not going to lie, i am very proud to have worked in that environment. There have been some adrenaline rush moments and close calls. and , when you hit driver off the fantail of the flight deck, it looks like a 500 yard drive. Can't do that on a sub
I nearly accepted a welding apprenticeship at the Newport News shipyard in VA years ago (made the right decision going to college). I was showed around the grounds and vividly remember being amazed how massive military marine craft is. Workers were everywhere from bow to stern on the carrier. Non stop welding arcs looked like Christmas lights strung along the side of the ship. Had Northrup Grumman offered me an engineering apprenticeship I may have reconsidered. Fuck being in a 3x3 crawl space sucking down welding fumes.