You don't need to legal buy a gun to get one. They're stolen all the time. Guy was just a wacko. Period. End of story. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
I'm pretty sure your not a race baiter, so I'm not gonna reply to that part. But it Def doesn't go like that in most work places. Especially for black men. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
You def said it. There's nothing offensive about what you said, so chill. I'm simply telling you, no you can't play the race card like that. It doesn't work. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
I know there isnt anything offensive to it. But you're taking what I said a different way. Im not saying all black people have the mindset to go into human resources at their job and try to earn an easy payday. What Im saying is that it shouldn't be that easy for someone to scream racism and be hushed away with money because whitey is afraid of some bad publicity. And I blame the white PC liberal pussies just as much as I blame the extreme race baiting blacks. There's a good chance that this guy went from company to company to blackmail them using race. And got pissed in this situation because two white people beat him to the punch. Guess we'll have to wait and see if that comes out though.
No i didn't take it wrong. I was just simply adding it doesn't work, more in a sense of don't try it and not all job issues are race related. It sounds like that's exactly what he did. Play the race card to death. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
I know that. But this topic is about race. Like it or not thats a huge factor because the SHOOTER brought up race in his ramblings. But as for your response I dont understand why you feel the need to make everything so all or nothing. I never used the word all. If I said all job issues are race related I would hope you wouldn't have even responded to my post becuase that statement would be beyond moronic. If a person has a problem with one person of a different race all of the sudden they have a problem with every person of that race? Thats insane logic to have. Lots of scumbags in this world. White, black, brown, yellow, whatever. The double standard , the denial of that double standard and the fact that all "honest" discussions about race most likely end with the white guy being called a racist is what bothers me.
I really dunno where you got all that from my response. If fact Im pretty sure I said you weren't in my original response. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Well in your original response you said "most" then you used the word "all"..both of those words to me are used when trying to talk about the majority of a situation. Obviously this nutbag isnt the majority. But he still is/was a percentage. 2 people are dead that didnt have to be dead because of a guys racial views. Maybe the intial response of him being a disgruntled employee is what the news will report but his manifesto paints a different picture. He killed those people because they were white. Bottom line IMO.
I'm think he's a nut bag too. I'm not cheering that two people are al dead. My children are half white and Irish, so it's not something I think is ok. White, black, people, green. It doesn't matter. Shitty people are shitty people. Unfortunately nobody caught that something was off in this dude till it was too late. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Yeah even if they could detect something wrong with him there is only so much a company can do before outsiders come in and talk about his rights. Maybe people didnt like him because he was weird and he took that as people not liking him because he's black. Who knows? I dont want to make excuses for him.
The sad part is she was singled get out. I can't imagine she had that much interaction with him to the degree that she should have been targeted like that from what I've read. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Only thing I heard about their interaction was from the killers Twitter account. About the two victims going to HR about him. Who knows the validity of that though.
He's apparently had a few issues at other places they say. I saw his video and the one or the news footage. He's like playing with the gun before he shoots Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
I believe we as a nation have experienced yet again a violent criminal act by someone who not only had access to a gun, but someone with a mental illness who somehow was able to purchase a gun. What his mental illness was? My suspicion is: Aspergers. Just like the Newtown killer, and just like Elliot Rodgers. Too many similarities between the killers in all 3 circumstances. It has to be aspergers that eventually did this guy in.
But if guns were illegal to buy it would still happen less often than it does. Not every person would be stopped, I understand that, but not every person can find a way to steal a gun. Either way though with this psycho, I feel like something really bad was probably going to happen one day regardless if he got a gun. I just wish all these bastards would kill themselves, instead of taking innocent lives. The politicians say things like needing to find ways to make it better, and put it to a stop, but that's impossible, and you guys know it. It will never stop, ever. It's a diseased world, and it's not going to ever be magically better with a 100% perfect population.
Most guns that are used for crimes in this country are illegal anyways. Criminals dont follow the laws. Thats the biggest issue and its a non-fixable issue unless some drastic changes are made , ones that have no shot of being made so its pointless to even talk about them. But until we reach the point where science is so advanced that they can recognize the "mental illness" gene before birth , similar to the way they can detect autism , this type of stuff will continue to happen. But even when that day comes there will still be groups that will fight for the rights of those unborn lunatics. It really will never end.