They are damaged beyond repair IMO. Mostly due to Obama's need to have a press conference for every dead black guy but yet he's nowhere to be seen during times like this. Also the mindset that every bad cop is white. It will take a miracle for any politician to turn this around.
im going to brace myself for all the "black people" comments incoming lol. I hate that this will be another race thread..
Plenty of crazy white kid comments when the Charlestown shooting went down. It should go both ways. But it wont. Work place violence/end subject.
It's too bad these race war pussies can't just kill each other instead of others. This latest piece of shit would have done this even if Charleston didn't happen I bet. Cho killed more than the 2 Columbine shitheads, gee that's something to admire. And by his logic, Dylan Roof "got more" than he did. I guess we're lucky this guy didn't try to 1up Roof, like at a white church for example. 23 page Manifesto? Have they posted the full thing yet?
What a bitch...he changed his name to Bryce Williams. Gave all people and dogs named Vester a bad name.
The point remains the same though. Every black victim from Trayvon to Michael Brown to Eric Garner to Freddy Gray etc etc etc..all criminals/gang bangers btw , need a presidential remembrance based SOLELY on race. Thats what divided this country. Plenty of very decent , innocent black people are killed every day in every major city without any type of notice from Obama or any other black leader. And in instances like this where the victims are white and the shooter is black , they are even more silent. Its really enraging and is only going to lead to more racial crimes.
He played his trump card everywhere he went. Supposedly, he accepted an out of court settlement for discrimination from the Florida station where he worked.
Thats ridiculous if true. And I would guess it is. To think a company would rather shut up some loudmouth wacko with money instead of having him complain on Twitter or maybe reach out to Sharpton , is garbage. So basically all ANY black person has to do these days is go to HR , claim his co-workers are racist , and they can get money. No investigation into it , no arguments from the guilty white people in fears they would be labeled racist. Nothing. But "white privilege" is what will be talked about.
It used to be disgruntled Postal Workers. Now its any walking mental case. Poor psychiatric facilities that are controlled by ins companies who kick people out and bad psych care together with gun laws that give them away like a Remco toy= high death toll. Great country. I am so proud to be an American who can shoot bambi and people when I am angry. Prayers to victims families