I've fallen for this trick one too many times. Guy wrenches knee, walks off under his own power--everything seem alright and the next thing you know it's the ACL. _
Mauldin hurt his knee twice during the ATL game, came up limping in the 2nd and 3rd quarters. I'd bet it's the same injury made worse.
this kid has the right attitude, and his play has been surprisingly good for a rook. really hoping to hear he'll only need a couple weeks rest. we could use a break on the injury front. We need Mauldin out there gaining experience if he's to replace Pace next season.
I'm actually a happy Mets fan this year, can't remember the last time I was following baseball in August
Yeah, man. Especially when the last memory involving the Mets and the playoffs ended with Beltran's bat on his shoulder...
I was in California watching that series, big bad Beltran strikes out looking, he got his huge contract based on what he did in the post season with the Astros, and that's what we got?!?
Would the NFL be easier if NFL players had a "fall guy" for injuries. "Hey bro. Got n ACL tear coming up, can you do me a solid?" Of course I am sure that would foster an entire industry, wouldn't it!
Not my boy !!!! smh! Hope it's nothing serious! Lorenzo is gonna be special man... that motor is sky high
Smith getting punched in his big mouth was an awesome injury. Showed he has no respect, leadership or character. There is a reason no one drafted him before the Jets. Can you say Bust!
Ah. If only in 1999 we learned 'Vinny Testaverde's close friend Jeff tore his achilles'. Jets might have won the Super Bowl.