That moral barometer and paragon of virtue Cris Carter had some words of advice for young players at the rookie symposium... Have a fall guy! A recent ESPN feature on former 49ers linebacker Chris Borland described Borland as “appalled” by what he heard at the 2014 Rookie Symposium, when a former NFL player told the rookies that they should have a “fall guy” in their crew who would take the blame if they faced legal trouble. What ESPN failed to mention is that the former player who gave that appalling advice was an ESPN employee, Cris Carter. Although the ESPN feature says that Borland “declined to name” the player, the writers easily could have identified Carter as the source of the comments, because the video of Carter’s presentation at the Rookie Symposium is available at The presentation went basically how Borland described it in the ESPN feature: Carter told rookies that they should have one friend who will be willing to take the blame if they ever get into trouble. Warren Sapp, onstage along with Carter, agreed. “If you all got a crew, you got to have a fall guy in the crew,” Carter said. “If you all have a crew, one of those fools got to know, he’s the one going to jail. We’ll get him out.” Sapp then repeated, “We’ll get him out.” Those comments didn’t sit well with Borland, and they likely won’t sit well with most people hearing them now. But the NFL apparently didn’t have a problem with what Carter said: His presentation was posted on the league’s own website, and Carter was invited back to speak at this year’s Rookie Symposium.
well from sports to rappers going on tour I guess this is a common thing. But to say this to rookies is idiotic. Im starting to think Cris is a little off in the head. His take on what happened to Geno before he knew what went down was hilarious.
I can't believe the NFL had the video available for a year and a half... ironically they removed it this afternoon.
The advice isn't necessarily bad but its something Cris Carter should be saying to them in between swigs of beer at the bar not at an official NFL symposium. The NFL is the real idiots here though... holy hell thats bad
Between Cris Carter and that cokehead Irvin, who consistently looks like he is tweaking his balls off every Sunday morning, it's no wonder there are so many legal disasters in the NFL. They are being preached to by turds the moment they enter the league.
Who hasn't had their kid drive home from The Olive Garden when we've had a little too much chianti. Pillow under their butt so they can reach the gas and brake, it's a great story they can tell at show and tell in 4th grade. _
Cris Carter isn't the smartest guy in the world ....last week he said to stop saying fans were responsible for the NFLs popularity....that they had little to do with it...that there would be football without the fans....wha..?
Actually Borland wouldn't name who said it. It was an ESPN piece so nobody would have ever known if hadn't left the video up on their site. What an incredible shithead. I honestly couldn't believe my eyes/ears when I saw/heard this. I thought it was som sort of dumb joke. Maybe that would have been just a little bit funny if he did that on ESPN and he was joking around, but even then it would be just stupid. But to pull that shit off during the rookie symposium? Representing the hall of fame, representing the NFL? Just wow. And look at Warren Sapp that dumb motherfucker. What the fuck is he doing there anyway? Slapped the shit out of hookers, went bankrupt, lost his jobs in the media, now he's there trying to educate kids? On what? How to stiff a hooker after getting head? And look at his reaction when Carter talks about this "fall guy" bullshit. He's like "damn right, preach!". This whole thing is just bizarre.
The fact that they uploaded that video in the first place shows you how hypocritical these idiots are. Suddenly when people complain THEN they take it down, that's when they realize maybe what this asswipe said wasn't that smart. If nobody had said a word the video would be still up.