Yeah go ahead and ignore me. You still haven't showed me where I called names? Just like a dumb ass who talks and when he can't prove me wrong he runs like a little punk. Yes there I called you names.
You make good points and I'm not looking to argue, but it's not a stretch to think geno is not well received and is a distraction. But yes I will hold out hope that possibly the light bulb has finally gone off after this incident and he will turn it around.
I'm not understanding how people don't want to see Geno in his 3rd year to see if he is our future. Anybody who watches football know normally a QB takes 3 years for the game to slow down for him.
I don't think geno is goi g to get the chance unless fitz completely implodes.. Geno has issues and playing here hasn't helped him. I don't think he can turn it around here, I was hoping he would be amazing this year. He's got to tend to his jaw now.
I was thinking that earlier lol I think ZM can be a good player and I don't think he would come cheap from the Titans. I also don't know if they would want Geno... I say we trade Fitz to them for their back up plus a 4th for ZM.
So they aren't tied to him? That doesn't necessarily mean anything. You don't know for certain that he thinks he is self entitled. You and bunch of other posters think you have all the details and know who Geno is and you don't. You rush to judgment and assume you have all the facts, but don't. Don't tell me what the Jets will never get. You don't know, so quit acting like you do. You're just talking out of your ass for what you think, but there is no basis in fact for that. Trying to compare Geno to Jamarcus Russell is absurd. Jamarcus Russell had the problem that he didn't work to get better. Geno has. He has worked very hard and has improved. You and others are blowing this Ik incident WAY out of proportion and to ridiculous extremes. No one is afraid to cut bait when it is certain that a player if a failure and there's no longer any reason to hold onto him, but thankfully, the Jets are smarter than you and haven't reached anywhere near that point yet. They aren't haters or as impatient as you, and don't jump to conclusions, even when they have the facts, which you don't. I have a news flash for you. No one on the Jets cares what you're over. You're entitled to your opinion, but they don't have to act on that opinion, and the rest of us don't have to agree with your opinion, no matter how strongly you believe it. There is not one iota of proof to back up your claim that he helped cause that fight, only speculation.
No, it's not a stretch to think that perhaps some of his teammates don't like Geno. We agree there. I don't think that he's a distraction, however. IMO all Jets fans should hope that the light bulb has gone on with Geno, and that if we need him this season, he will be equal to the task. IMO we should all hope hope that the Jets can turn Geno into at least a valuable trade commodity, if not a quality backup or starter for us.
Why would they want Fitz over Mettenberger? That makes zero sense. The Titans had Fitz last year or the year before and didn't keep him. That should tell you everything you need to know. They're not going to trade Mettenberger, so it's silly imo to keep talking about trading for him. If Mariota was lighting it up, they may have been so inclined, but not now.
I agree that unless Fitz stumbles badly, Geno probably won't get another shot this season, and possibly not ever, but for that to happen, I think upon his return, Geno would have to demonstrate that he didn't learn one thing from this incident and doesn't change or grow as the season continues. There's plenty of time to see whether or not he can turn things around here.
If Fitz gets sat down do to performance and then Geno gets hurt, do you re-up with Fitz or play out the string with Petty and get ready for 2016?
Not a CHANCE. Belichik signed Bledsoe to a 10 year $100M contract in March of 2001. You don't do that if you think the guy you drafted in the 6th round last year is an excellent QB prospect.
At that time, no he probably wouldn't have considered Brady, but then that's not what I said. In another year or two with continued average play from Bledsoe, if Brady was lighting it up in practice and preseason, he not only very well could have, I think he would have. Belichick may be a lot of things, but he isn't stupid. If he saw that Brady was looking great in practice and preseason and Bledsoe was "meh", he would have definitely eventually had a QB competition in camp.
You go back to Fitz unless Petty has shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's ready to play at a pretty high level.
Going 1-5 with a 4th round pick sounds like the last thing the Jets will be interested in doing if everything goes to hell in a handbasket before that. First of all, they wouldn't be likely to learn anything by putting Petty on the field. If he's not ready he's not ready and no amount of wishful thinking is going to change that. Secondly, what value he has to the franchise would be reduced by rushing him on the field, not promoted. Third, the fans would go absolutely berserk if Petty was trotted out there as a solution and it became clear he was part of the problem instead. The Jets would be better off re-signing Matt Flynn at that point and putting him on the field. They'd be better off getting another vet journeyman to play out the string in 2015. At least at that point Petty would still be a viable prospect going into 2016 instead of Brooks Bollinger redux.
Can't wait if and when Geno goes to see your post count go way down. You post little or nothing unless it's about Geno. Yup your a Geno fan first and foremost.
I think if Bledsoe doesn't get hurt Belichik is out of New England before he has the chance to make a Bledsoe/Brady decision. I think the 2001 Pats go 5-11/6-10 again and then 2002 is probably pretty harsh as well. I think Belichik couldn't go with Brady and survive the process after making the commitment to Bledsoe that he did. The players would have revolted against Belichik fairly quickly. He's only managed to do the things he does to vets (and young players at times) because he's so successful that nobody can argue with his methods. At the time that Mo Lewis took Bledsoe down the Pats were 5-13 in Belichik's tenure and struggling badly. He had another season in him tops at that point.
Geno didn't have much in the way of weapons over the last two years, and so this is the year we find out if he is indeed the answer. If Geno was winning, none of these incidents would even bear mentioning. Geno's behavior on the football field and generally outside of it has been fine, and shouldn't (and probably won't once he's healthy and if plays well) have any bearing on his starting this year. Geno is our option going forward, subjective and bias nonsense notwithstanding.