Does he actually believe the garbage that comes out of his mouth? He would give our first team offense a standing ovation? Every preseason we have to listen to his garbage. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I can't explain why he's still there after all these years. Is there really no other former Jets they could get to take his place?
And one that does PRESEASON games at that. Hell you want to be an optomist before the games start counting, nobody's better at that than Buttle
The biggest element is familiarity; he's been doing it for so long that he just gets to keep doing it. Sure, Curtis Martin or Chad Cascadden would be a lot better, but TV execs are risk-averse so they'd rather not change anything if they don't have to.
Greg Buttle and Ian Eagle are a continual embarrassment to this franchise. (especially Eagle, but they both stink). We really need to upgrade these bush league wannabes if we ever want to shed that SOJ label, or improve our image as an organization! They are embarrassing carry overs from the Kotite days, and they insist on calling these games as if it was the regular season, like they have been auditioning for 20+ years for a job they will never get. smh.
I hate Bob Wis-shithead more, love when he tells Marty Lyons he's wrong, thats right Marty what do you know you only played in the league for 10 years. I miss Howard David, and for you oldtimers our best announce team ever Merle Harmon and Sam DeLuca