Not really, just get government out of the business of recognizing any and all marriages. It doesn't matter what any church, temple, coven or Elk's Club wants to recognize as a wedding, no level of government needs to be involved with granting discriminatory benefits and taxes dependent on marital status. We are already free to enter into contracts with others and current law establishes dual parental responsibility for child support; marriage only advances inequities and creates issues where none need exist.
hell no! thats the only incentive we have as men for marriage. women get the dress, the fancy reception, the cake, the flowers, etc so they can have what they've always dreamed of. what do we get as men? A: tax benefits. oh and a bachelor party with strippers. but only if the old lady signs off on it of course. so in some instances its just the tax benefits
I agree with Ralebird. Either equality for all or no marriage concept. I was raised to hate gays. I am now able to tolerate them. It was an interesting ride for me. Never met an openly lesbian girl before I moved to USA. Never met an openly gay guy before I moved to USA. Once I had lesbians and gays become my everyday collegues I learned to accept them and I now think gays should have equal benefits as straights without any question. I became liberal like that but it still my fear that if one of my children tells me if he is gay how I would react. If I don't die of heart attack, I guess I would plan my own suicide. Yes it is easy to be liberal until this is your life's reality. Oh good old political correctness that has now enslaved America. Well I should go back to Drunk Tank.
The mods should censor this thread. Not because Rale is wrong but it was fun busting his balls. Another meltdown during preseason would bring many hijinks. _
There is an old joke- when does a Puerto Rican become a "spaniard"? When he marries your daughter. You will find similar comfort when one of your kids tells you they are gay. And you will love them no less and you will be angry with yourself that you did not create an atmosphere for them to tell you earlier, saving them years of fear and trepidation. _
Good post Stokes. And I have already started giving myself a therapy. You will laugh but I hope and pray my boys will marry Turkish girls so my grandkids can speak Turkish. In the end, I am preparing myself in case they are gay or in case they marry a black girl giving me black grandkids or a Chinese girls and giving me Chinese grandkids. America educates you like that. Great country we live in.
Who pays whom the dowry? Man to woman or woman to man? And why not have them marry a hot blonde American? My impression of Turkisk women is that they have very tropical home plates, as it were. _
I don't know man. We shall see whom they marry. Time will tell. Another 20 years to go until they marry anyway.
I actually agree with this. You make an excellent point. Marriage, or the Sacrament of Matrimony as its formally called, is not a contractual agreement between individuals governed by the state; it's actually a solemn vow, or covenant, under God, between a man and a woman. It's a religious institution, and the government should not be involved. All families should receive equal benefits under the law, but only the union of a man and a woman, under God, presided over by a Priest, should properly be called Marriage.
Yea. Now that gays can be married it's worthless, lets just get rid of it. Do you know they lick the poopoo?!
Fuck that noise. My wife is rich. And she has a great job with tremendous benefits. You bet your goddamned ass the government has to recognize marriage.
I'm curious... I know your kids are grown up, so hypothetical doesn't apply directly, but... Let's say you have a young kid and I guarantee that in the future he will be happy with his partner, gay or straight. If it was up to you to decide which, what would you choose? And why?
First of all, we as parents can not choose. Doesn't matter what we'd prefer, it's a hypothetical rife with failure. You have to look deeper than just surface optics. Would the straight couple be miserable? Would the gay couple be ostracized? Would the gay couple be happy and accepted in their community? Would the straight couple live a contented bucolic life? It's not a simple question of straight or gay. _
LOL That's nice and all, but you kinda avoided answering, didn't you? Hypothetical, remember? IF you can make that decision with guarantee that your kid will grow to be happy, what would you choose?