If an 18 year old isn't young and smoking hot enough for you to say, "nah, I'll pass on the 14 year old because this is some fine ass trim right here to satisfy me" you deserve to be fucking killed just on grounds if stupidity.
I am ready to sponsor an inmate if he promises to rape this scumbag at least once a month. Should I raise some money for this? Seriously I want this piece of shit to feel the pain as much as possible.
in all seriousness he took "business" trips to NYC so that he can have sex with minors. This is happening in our backyard!
So who is shocked that is in Kentucky. That's why I'll never understand the criminal mentality. At the end if the day, when you commit a crime you are risking not getting pussy for a long time. You have to be a real psychopath or moron to decide that the joy of the crime is greater than the risk of saying bye bye to pussy for any prolonged period of time. That to me would be a greater deterrent than being a participant in the booty escapades.