No federal funds go to funding PP's abortion services. They did not sell baby parts. they sold fetal tissue as part of scientific research, not for profit but to cover costs in accordance with federal law. I know you anti-choice people want the federal government to get out of the way of rich people increasing income inequality, ending social security and all that, but are all in on telling people they should go to jail if they for whatever reason, fetal abnormality, death of the mother, rape, incest, if they between them and their God still want an abortion. And of course you do not want to help them raise their children once they are born. The hypocrisy is overwhelming. Suddenly it's okay to have government all over stuff like that. The racial angle? Black women are not intelligent enough to decide for themselves what to do with their pregancies? The condescension goes hand in hand with the hypocrisy, I suppose. Planned Parenthood is a non-governmental organization that provides health services to a very large number of women who would not otherwise get such services. Your calling defunding them weak sauce rather than recognizing the ill effects such would have on women says a lot about you. I know it's almost all men who post here. But I have about an equal number of women in my family, my extended family. Despite testosterone posing here by many, I care about them, even if you don't about yours.
Not to get embroiled in this- but my wife had fetal stem cell transplant treatments--embryonic stem cells that were harvested from aborted babies in Europe. If they can perfect the use of embryonic stem cells for treatments of cancer and it will someday help my daughters in the event they God forbid develop the disease, then slaughter away. _
Yes. ANd in general human tissue and obviously even organs are used in transplants, some from dead people, some from live donors. Fetal tissue is a big issue now for people who want to throw people in jail for having or helping others have abortions. But I am not aware that PP broke any laws. More to the point those people who misleadingly edited videos and audios are implying what? That these abortions would not have otherwise occurred unless PP was "profiting" from "the sale of baby parts"? PP was what, paying women to have abortoins to get the fetal tissue? FORCING them to have abortions? Of course none of that is true. So if a woman under her legal rights has an abortion and PP within their rights under the law transfers fetal tissue to someone else for some scientific or medical purpose, where's the beef? It's just all about emotionalism and misleading people for political purposes, trying to get the government in the business of forcing women to hold pregnancies to term to satisfy those with a certain religious and moralistic bent.
That's pathetic. Blocker offers a factual line by line refutation of some of the points made by Notsosmarto and you think you can counter it by a false one word description? You have failed miserably.
So you have yet to make any logical connection between people wanting to defund planned parenthood and some so called "war on women". That was my main reason for responding - I don't really care to get into an abortion debate so this will be my last comment on the issue. People being pro-life does not equate to them being anti-women and waging war on women. That's a dishonest, hysterical point of view and I suspect most people see through it. Pro-lifers typically argue that killing a life is wrong and I've never heard someone make an anti-woman argument of that nature. The federal government grants PP about .5 billion per year. The line items for abortions might not come from that money but that's irrelevant. Call it fetal tissue, baby parts, whatever you want - it's semantics. Regardless of where you stand on abortions these videos are disturbing. I am not personally against abortions, so please do not include me ("you anti-choice people"). I was just pointing out the ridiculousness of your statement (war on women). To be very clear, and this is beside the point, I am pro-choice (up to a certain point). I never commented on the intelligence of black women, just pointed out (via posting the link that you didn't read) that the founder of the PP organization believed in Eugenics, was a racist, the locations of the PP abortion clinics clearly target minority neighborhoods, and that black women are 3 times more likely to get an abortion than white women. Obviously black women are just as intelligent and understand what birth control is. You have done nothing to backup your claim that I or anyone else doesn't care about women. Nonsense.
^ You regurgitate GOP talking points about defunding Planned Parenthood based on edited videos that imply that abortions are being performed in order to obtain fetal tissue for sale by PP. Which is NOT the case. The purpose of defunding PP IS to cut health services to women, with no alternatives to replace them. I stand by my position that that is against the interests of women. What do you want to call that, if the word war is too much for you? One of a series of battles? The so-called "targeting" of black neighborhoods is providing services where needed. Minority women tend to have fewer options to travel. Again, you did not address the condescension behind your implied argument that black women are going to PP because they are being targeted. No, it is because they want the services and are perfectly capable of deciding that issue for themselves. I don't have to back up my claims. Since you clearly are suggesting a decline in support of women's health services, the burden is on you to show why that is not against the interests of women. What you care about or don't care about speaks for itself from your lack of concern and failure to answer my points. In any evetn I doubt you will address those points, and how nice that yhou consdier yourself pro-choice. Act like it and maybe I will believe you.
Explain why minority women have abortions 3x as often. I gave you the facts about PP and the founder. Since birth control is free under obamacare you cannot claim poverty here. You should also explain wtf the GOP would possibly have to gain by conducting a "war on women". It's a catch phrase used to get votes ... just like crying racism. predictable too. The purpose of defunding PP is to stop tax payer dollars from supporting the garbage pointed out in the videos. Your stated purpose is dishonest and you know it. I couldn't care less if you believe me.
The "so-called" war on women refers to Repub opposition to a number of things. Obviously women's health and cutting a significant provider is one issue. And one many women approve of and like. And this from the party whose mantra has been : if you like your health care you can keep it. Another is equal rights in the workforce which they've opposed for years. In terms of abortion (which is legal) battling it on a local level and in some states making it almost impossible for a woman who chooses to get an abortion to get one within a reasonable geographic radius of her home area. Causing sometimes women to have to go "underground" to get an abortion they are legally entitled to.
Again where's the proof those videos accurately depict anything illegal. They were edited. And staged. And what about the disreputable characters in that org. Here you're attacking Margaret Sanger who was born in 1879 and accepting their video as fact. As for free birth control. Isn't that better than unwanted kids or abortions. I have no problem with that. Tax dollars well spent!
And that's why you continue arguing. You have no cred, and if you can't see how defunding PP harms women's health, then you seem to have cognition problems along with being saddled with reactionary political views. That being the case, and assuming those here will make up their own minds, we seem to have come to the end of this discussion. have a nice day, Mr. Pro Choice.
Every procedure done at PP is available at other medical facilities. And getting back to the point. You've done nothing to support a claim of a "war on women" or to explain why the GOP would intentially wage such a war against about 50% of the voting populous. What would they possibly have to gain by waging a "war on women"? It's nonsense. derp
They're against pro woman issues including equal wages. Plus how do you replace an infrastructure that serves millions of women at the drop of a hat. Existing services couldn't handle it. And what about: "if you like your health care you can keep it." Which was your theme song last year. And again what is the rationale to defund PP. First you have to prove the allegations. Thankfully the Dems wouldn't allow them to defund.
As for people making their own choices without listening to far right reactionary politics. Hence the birth of the monster Trump. Who's kicking ass big time in all the GOP polls. Most sensible people do not want what they have to offer.
Does anyone think its extremely funny to watch the "black lives matter" heckle BERNIE MOTHER FUCKING SANDERS about their movement. This country and planet are so under educated and are so retardedly special they don't even know the history of this man as a major CIVIL RIGHTS activist ( OFF TOPIC OF GOP STUFF; just watched the video again and his face is just lol ) This fucking country is doomed lol
yeah dems/liberals do themselves a disservice with the "war on women" stuff. there's no war on women in the GOP. even if you say they disagree vehemently with what women typically care most about (which probably isn't true anyway) thats still not "waging a war on women" thats simply disagreeing with them... people use "war on (whatever)" way, way too much... with abortion, the debate exists just to distract us from the real issues. nobody is going to do anything about it because its a necessary evil. nobody, even people who have abortions think its a good thing or a minor deal. both sides take on a far too simplistic view. the GOP is just "against" it because its a cheap, rallying cry despite the fact that they'll never actually do anything about it. And I wish Dems would stop with the woman's body/woman's choice thing.. . that cheapens it.its a serious issue that can effect the man and the woman and hell, all of society. thats simply a pry for the woman's vote just as much as the GOPs take is a pry for votes the other way.
Ignorance is everywhere. And by doomed i mean how closed minded everyone is; Not just those who heckled Bernie. I wouldn't just say it was just a small group they have a backing of the movement(BLM) who have been trying to get the attention of all politicians(Hilary most recently). Just wish those people would educate themselves on Bernie they probably would vote for him
The first I've seen or heard of them was yesterday when they talked with Hillary Clinton. Sent from my LG-LS720 using Tapatalk
Meh. "War" in this context is obviously a metaphor. Whether you find it fitting or not is not significant. The GOP is taking positions both in Congress and on the campaign trail that are adverse to women, specifically in terms of medical care and the like. That is the point. For example, shutting down Planned Parenthood would have an adverse effect on the health of a large number of women. It is also part of a larger pattern. Your points are really semantic rather than on the substance of the issues.