When I hear about him missing a team meeting right before the game where our season was on the line, to watch movies, I have to question his work ethic. A pro football player doesn't do that. A quarterback especially doesn't. A starting QB, a franchise QB? You'd have to be completely out of your mind to do that. It's out of the question. His excuse of not getting an email (blaming somebody else again) from our coaches or mixing up time zones was just more evidence of the lack of leadership and how serious he takes this job. Or doesn't. A leader doesn't do that. A leader doesn't need somebody to send him an email to remind him that he's got to show up to work. A leader doesn't worry about catching the latest flick when he's got team meetings on the same day, much less like an hour or so later. As for the lack of respect, the way he handled the entire situation shows me that he doesn't treat players the way he shoud. He didn't call to let IK know he's not gonna show up. He didn't apologize. He didn't give him his money back. All this tells me is what I need to know about him as a person. You can't tell me this is just the exception, a one time thing. And the fact that right after this incident you have players (unnamed) going public, saying he deserved being punched, he treated IK like a punk, players would actually mocking IK for not getting his money back, him starting to argue with IK, walking up to him, pointing with his finger at/in his face and daring him to "do something about it". Sorry, that's not what a leader does, that's not what a person who knows how to treat his teammates does. Especially somebody who wants to be known as a leader, somebody who wants to be respected. The head of the franchise. That's what an asshat would do. Revis went public saying Geno is also to blame, just like IK. That's all I need to hear. If Revis goes that far to throw Geno like that under the bus, then Geno must have really messed up there otherwise you don't make a comment like that, throwing your QB under the bus for a backup guy who isn't even on the team anymore. You don't stick up for somebody who has been punished by the team. If you want to buy Brandon's version you're free to do that. I don't. I do think he worked hard this offseason and I've posted every little workout video or story that was out there on Geno, I've praised him for getting together with Marshall and just getting ready for the season. He was motivated I'd guess. Do I think that's what he does every year? Is that in his DNA? Do I think he does this stuff all the time, studying defenses and all that? No. I think this year he did. But again, going back to the missed meeting, where he thought it was acceptable for the starting QB of a football team to watch some movies the same day he's got meetings to gameplan for an important game, don't see that. And the scouting report of that one guy turned out to be 100% true, you can't deny that. I didn't study Geno in college, but the guy who did the scouting report obviously must have known a thing or two about Geno to say that he's not a hard worker, he doesn't study, he's not respected, he doesn't have leadership skills, all that. And years later here we are with all these little incidents that actually confirm all that. Missing a meeting itself is bad, but when you already have this reputation of not being a hard worker, somebody who doesn't really care, and suddenly you miss a meeting because you had to catch the latest Terminator movie or whatever, of course people will put 1+1 together, you come off as a guy who doesn't care, who doesn't take his job serious. You just confirmed that scouting report to be true.
Couple things of note: I have never heard someone being shirtless referred to as "half-naked" so many times in my life. I didnt know that driveway's are now being called parking lots. Wearing eye black or bandages is basically a crime. There are so many things to get on Geno's case for. Throwing a football with his buddy at his house, is not one of them. Ever.
Except for the fact he went against doctor's orders and showed questionable judgement AGAIN. Making Bowles annoyed with him AGAIN.
Bret Favre slept in meetings routinely in Atlanta if that was Geno it would've been world war 3, and Geno missed one meeting and it's being constantly hung over his head when it happened once. I said he has questionable leadership ability which can be improved upon with time. I already said he is constantly working to improve himself it's been reported by multiple sources that he studies film and is looking to improve. His work ethic isn't the issue. By all accounts he's worked every year, you do to get to this level with shitty work ethic. Again sir if IK didn't respect him IK doesn't invite him in the first place. You don't know anything about Geno so judging him based on this is shortsighted. Unless you're around him you can't judge him and you weren't there so you don't know what led up to the altercation, you're just speculating.