I don't think the OP was trying to be racist, just made some off the wall judgements because Geno decided to wear eye black and then he went off the deep end claiming eye black did not reduce glare.
Why would I get rid of your wife for you? You got yourself into the relationship you can get yourself out of it.
So now QB's need the eyeblack because otherwise they wouldn't be able to see the football that is in their hands. Do you see how this makes no sense? And why hasn't Peyton figured this out yet? What a caveman. Been in the league for almost 2 decades, playing at the highest level possible and can't even figure out something that Geno was able to in a week.
That's only if you wear eyeblack as we have just learend. If they don't wear eyeblack their vision will be so impaired because of all the glaring that they wouldn't be able to tell if Geno is black or white.
Geno did what he did yesterday because he had to step up and show people that he's not missing in action despite the broken jaw and extended absence. Hopefully he finally gets that the Jets QB job is not his and that if he wants it he's going to have to take it. Rex handed out QB jobs like popcorn at the movies. The guys he handed them too wound up elevated above their performance level in their eyes and then wound up with a rude shock when they were replaced after sucking balls on the field. Geno got replaced because of an off the field event. Now he has to take the job back if he wants it and he has to avoid getting shunted out of the spotlight in the process. That's what yesterday was about. It was kind of weird for Geno to play to the reporters and then try to remove them but painkillers are painkillers and I'm sure Geno is still taking them after the surgery.
Take that, mother nature. White paint on top of black paint. Is this even legal in the NFL? His vision must be bananas. It would take at least 2 suns to glare him.
Shirtless Geno Smith dons eye black, throws football in driveway Protip: Don't threaten to call the cops on the NY press. It's not going to help you.
Are you being serious? QB's obviously need to be able to scan down the field and can have sunlight or lights in their line of view. I know you're pretty intelligent so I question why you're taking such weak, mindless viewpoints here. Just because Peyton Manning doesn't use them doesn't mean they don't help.