I have no Pro-Smith agenda other then he is the QB on my team and I want him to be successful. He sucks, maybe he'll never get it and at that point he'll need to be cut. If he sucks ass and is cut it's no sweat off my balls, bring on the next guy and hopefully he won't suck. Who cares about the eye black? The guy does have a broken fucking jaw so I'd imagine taking a football to the face would be a bad thing to happen to him. He doesn't need to explain why. The exchange was civil and he has a right to tell the clowns from the Post whatever he wants on his property. He said no comment and they should have left it at that. No comment means just that.... I have nothing to tell you.
It's just grasping. There's tons of ways to pick on Geno and his poor play. Wearing eyeblack though? Greenday is right, the beginning of this thread has tons of racial undertones to it.
Who gives a shit if he's throwing the ball in his parking lot? Half naked? lol It's a football player having his shirt off while working out. Non-story.
Usually when someone makes a statement such as "there have been studies done on this", they usually include a snippet or link so that the "study" can be reviewed by others. The fact you included neither leads me to believe the study is so flawed it would be quickly picked apart or that it does not even exist. The fact that one player or another does not use eye black has absolutely no bearing on it's effectiveness. Left tackles generally are not having to track down the ball in the air so have much less need to reduce glare. You make some really weak arguments, you might want to reexamine your thoughts on the subject.
I guess when people are throwing a football in there parking lot there idiots also. Some people just look for dumb shit to knock a man.