What a great news source. Sean Hannity and Judge Napolitano on Fox News. Jumping to conclusions before the facts are in and using words like whitewash and legacy in terms of her motives. Sean's put his foot in his mouth so many times. Remember his boosting and support of Cliven Bundy two years ago basically calling the guy a hero when his militia supporters threatened US agents with guns. After he refused to pay his taxes. Sean and Fox News dropped him like a hot potato after he went into one of his racist rants. But the feds could get her on this one. If she did have classified emails on a private server. Why she'd do something as stupid as that and then deny it - unlike Hannity, I'll wait until the investigation is over. Because maybe she didn't do it. If she did-she's toast.
Even though I'm a liberal and like Hildabeast this investigation could have legs. There might be meat on the bone. Not because she deleted an email about what gym she is going to or her daughter's wedding (like she says) but classified emails on a private server. This is substantial and has to be investigated. If they get her on it expect Joe Biden to make himself available. Because a Repub moderate can easily beat Bernie Sanders.
And a moderate Republican is exactly what this country needs, the problem is the only "moderate Republican" is Kasich and he isn't winning the nod. He isn't crazy enough for Sheldon Adelson or the Koch Brothers.
moderate republican the new "compassionate conservative"? we had that once and was a utter disaster that was...
She says now that she will finally give up the server to DOJ. Of course after deleting a whole bunch of emails which she said (like Brady) were personal. Not sure if they can be recovered. The thing again is: it's strictly political and I don't see the Repubs scrutinizing their own party and candidates like they're doing with Hillary. On Benghazi and now this thousands of hours and millions of dollars.
Benghazi!!!!!!! Same idiots who care about never say anything about 9/11 failures or Iraq war deaths. Why no one takes it seriously as its all political.
Benghazi has had a half a dozen investigations so far and even a Repub committee said there were no irregularities. Yet they still won't accept this conclusion and are still investigating it using valuable time and our tax dollars. In Benghazi 4 guys were killed. What about all of the thousands of other U.S. personnel killed in the Middle East, etc. They aren't going to devote these resources to investigate every single time diplomats, etc are killed abroad. But because Hildabeast is their prime opponent for the White House they will beat this into the ground and try to put out as much disinformation as possible to put a negative cloud over her.
Hildabeast? Fox News? The OP should have a tight quota on how many partisan threads he can keep starting. What a waste of cyberspace.
sneaky sneaky sneaky http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...sion-blank-clinton-email-server/?intcmp=hpbt1
regardless of LTJFs way of describing Hillary and his embedding of a partisan video, its quite noteworthy that a leading presidential candidate is being investigated by the FBI and its certainly warrants a discussion, or cyberspace if you will
This entire email thing is so " Hillary Clinton-like" that no one is surprised by it. This thing is evil.
I should have been more clear. I don't think THAT subject is unimportant. I meant the OP creating numerous political threads with headings like this one is a waste of cyberspace.