It is not like Geno was going to show up for an hour to sign a few autographs. He made a commitment to that camp and those kids as the headliner, the main attraction and he couldn't be bothered to call.
Exactly. Dude isnt the President. It literally takes 10seconds to text or call saying you can't make it. Sent from my LG-LS720 using Tapatalk
No offense to Geno but I don't think these kids really wanted to meet him of all people lol. There's about 60 other qbs in the nfl out of the rough 100 or so that I'd rather meet than him
I don't think anyone is saying that Geno deserved to get punched in the face. However, I am very concerned about his maturity level and ability to be the leader of an NFL team. IK had probably been talking to teammates before this occurred. If your QB has a reputation for letting down teammates off the field, they are going to start loosing trust for him on the field. At the least some teammates are going to start disliking and stop respecting him. I don't know about you but I want the offensive line to be motivated to protect the guy calling the signals beyond doing it because it is their job.
If you are standing face to face with someone, close enough that they can reach you with a punch, you generally are not going to see the punch until it is less than a second before connecting. Most people do not expect a verbal altercation to turn physical so it is still a sucker punch IMO. You think otherwise and is not really a big factor in this whole issue so I'll just leave it at that.
Lots of conflicting reports but if Geno did not call or text to let them know he couldn't make it, then it obviously goes without saying; that it's common courtesy to do so, especially if someone paid for your plane ticket. However if I'm in IK's position I'm not sweating 600 dollars, I'd just let Geno know that I'd like the money back but I'm not in a rush to receive that money, just as long as you pay me back in the near future.
What are you saying about Judgement? The guy has arms the size of legs is a LB in the NFL with a history of violence. This says a lot about Geno and none of it is good.
This is pretty much the way I feel about Smith. Especially the bolded part. Sure IK it sounds like should not have punched him, but this kind of thing hasn't happened to any other Qb in the league. It happened to Smith. I don't think that is a matter of pure, random coincidence.
I think he probably told Geno at the start of training camp that he would like to be reimburse. But Geno the immature punk that he is blew him off and that is why it escalated. Both parties were wrong and Bowles should have cut Geno too. if he is not mature enough to handle a 600 dollar payment he surely can't deal with opposing defenses and playcalling.
I don't really care about what lead up to it.... This is nothing more that dumb ass athletes acting dumb.,,,, they where both wrong..... They should have fired Geno as well
That is exactly what the other athletes said on the NFL channel. You have to know your situation. IK history is known so why would Geno put his finger in the man's face. The guy just came off the field manhandling offensive linemen and you the puny QB want to punk the guy. Good luck with that.
Yeah, this is very relevant. Add in that the other players now see IK losing his livelihood out of this. Sure most will question IK's judgment here, but that is not to Smith's credit. The bottom line is Smith failing to be stand up to IK led to IK losing his job. Again, IK's poor judgment was the main factor there, but that does not redound to Smith's credit. At this point Smith Fans will say sure you, meaning me, have been against Smith well before this happened. That's right. So I should feel like I have been wrong all along? Enough with Smith. He's not the future. I hope they never play him another down behind center again.
Did you not hear the story last night? He was suppose to attend IK football camp in Texas but missed it due to personal reasons. IK had a guy wait at the airport to pick him for 2 hours. IK told him it was ok can you reimburse me for the 600 dollars in training camp. Well, 2 weeks in and no dough. It finally came to a head.
There were conflicting reports about what exactly happened. But anyway like I said earlier. If I'm IK I'd just let Geno know that i'd like to have the money back and he's in no rush to pay me back.
Yes he was. It's still about the principle of the matter. But I'm not putting my hands on anybody and risk losing my job.