Tom Brady suspended for four games Overturned!

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by Yisman, May 11, 2015.

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  1. Burning Elvii

    Burning Elvii Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    This is why I am here

    I hate the cheating. Stop FUCKING CHEATING!!!!

    The world might have some sympathy
  2. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Why would the league feel the need to state the obvious fact that destroying the cell phone they were interested in querying for information would be considered obstructing the investigation? That's retarded.

    do you honestly feel this is a good point? get your head out of bradys ass. seriously.
  3. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    That the John Dowd that accused Pete Rose of raping 12 year old girls? And then he starts out with a completely untrue statement, one of many. Goodell did not deny Br*dys appeal because he destroyed his cell phone, of course it factored in but to state it as if it was the sole basis is just flat out wrong.

    So having just heard from this guy for the first time in about 25 years, I find out he accused Rose of raping little girls and then his statement has multiple falsehoods. His opinion means shit.
  4. SteveGrogan

    SteveGrogan Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    This is pretty much it all in a nutshell. In a million years I wouldn't sit and accept them doing this kind of garbage to the Jets I don't care how good they'd been.
  5. Burning Elvii

    Burning Elvii Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    Article 46. Bite down hard on it and change it in next CBA

    All the posturing from Nlfpa and the misdirected gas law opinion by krafts underlings ain't overturning this thing. It all boils down to complaints lodged, investigated and found to be true more probable than not. To the letter of the law that NE helped establish due to spygate.

    Seems like Kraft is goi to the mattresses too with his resigning from Viacom board.

    Bring it on Brady.....defamation to the max douche nozzle will be brought to his knees.

    No one player is bigger than the NFL.

    If Kraft wants to keep interfering, his ass should be punished for violation of article 6.1
  6. Burning Elvii

    Burning Elvii Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    Seems both sides files papers with court stating their lack of settlement.

    goodell isn't backing down because his job is to uphold the game, no mater who the players is.

    Goodell calls Brady “a great young man”
    Posted by Michael David Smith on August 8, 2015, 3:50 PM EDT
    NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell says he still respects Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, despite the four-game suspension Goodell handed down for Deflategate.

    “Listen, he’s a great player and he’s a great young man,” Goodell told the Canton Repository. “We issued the decision just last week. We’re in the midst of litigation to . . . ensure that that’s enforced the way we ruled on that, after a long process that is established in our collective bargaining agreement. That’s something we’ll play through.”

    So why has Goodell been trying so hard to keep this “great young man,” who is also one of the league’s best and most popular players, off the field for the first four games of the season? To Goodell, the answer is simple: Brady cheated the game.

    “The integrity of the game is the most important thing,” Goodell said. “The integrity of the game is something we will always protect. The rules apply to everybody. That is my job in particular, to make sure everyone from our players to our coach, to our fans and our partners, that they all recognize we’re going to play by these sets of rules, and that’s part of our values and standards.”

    Goodell sounds like he’s trying to walk a tightrope in suspending Brady without tarnishing one of the league’s brightest stars. That doesn’t appear likely. Goodell isn’t making anyone happy with his handling of Deflategate.
  7. From an "Isolated incident" perspective,I get what you're saying. This has been dragged through the mud.But what is the league supposed to do if 31 other owners are in outcry for harsh penalty based on the Patriots recent prior history? There has been a wide array of iffy practices by the Patriots. Video taping Hand audibles,Stealing/distorting opponent radio signals, Practice surveillance, and so on. Now some of that stuff maybe more questionable than others, but when you put it all together it appears to be this highly sophisticated infrastructure.Maybe that's unfounded..but there is definitely a pattern,

    We all thought they learned their lesson after spy gate..and now this. Why not just own up to it & take the damn 25k fine? Nobody thinks that the deflated balls are a huge deal..but they do lead people to question "what else is going on here on any given Foxboro Sunday?" Before the league even commented on the matter, you had Kraft & Bellichick raising eyebrows w/ statements during the biggest media week of NFL calendar year.And for Kraft to have the audacity to demand an apology before the investigation even began? Just pure arrogance.

    I would pity any other fan base being put through this, especially right after a super bowl run.But most Patriot fans are just completely unwilling to take a step back & at least acknowledge the league wide perception.There just seems to be a complete disregard or care for the integrity of the game.You can downplay PSI all day long. But you can't downplay the prior history,poor over-the-top PR from your owner, & this "above the law,greater than thou" attitude that even sneaks its way into the national media with Ex-Pats like Heath Evans & Teddy Bruschi. You don't think that rubs the rest of the league the wrong way?

    It goes back to spygate for Jet fans. The cheating was bad enough.But on top of that all year long Patriot fans deflected their own wrongdoings on the Jets & their fans like school yard bullies. It was really really pitiful. That whole "Rat" thing. That has not been forgotten. But that's just another chapter in this storied rivalry.
    Big Blocker likes this.
  8. Unhappyjetsfan

    Unhappyjetsfan Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2013
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    I do. Nobody can look at the Patriots fumble statistics compared to the rest of the league and not think there's a competitive advantage to be gained by having softer footballs (particularly in cold weather). The problem is ... the fumble statistics don't lead to Brady - they lead straight to Belichick which is why it was never even discussed in any of the Wells investigation interviews or the report. The league has been protecting Belichick from the beginning.
    JetsVilma28 and Burning Elvii like this.
  9. Burning Elvii

    Burning Elvii Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    #1909 Burning Elvii, Aug 8, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2015
  10. Burning Elvii

    Burning Elvii Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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  11. Burning Elvii

    Burning Elvii Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    Did Bill deny and lie?

    Sure did when he gave his physics lesson and said didn't know about this ever before

    He wrote the forward of this book in 2004


    Fumbling stats hooray

    From a comment in yet another deflategate thread

    Did you know the book The Physics of Football was written in 2005 by Dr Gay Timothy. It discusses the game from a scientific perspective.

    It clearly states that a football is easier to grasp, throw, carry and catch if deflated slightly, " like the difference of gripping foam rubber vs gripping a bowling ball. Especially in cold weather."

    Do you know who actually wrote the forward for the book in 2005.

    Bill Belichick.

    Explain this New England*. This factoid, if pursued, could mean Belichick knew the benefits of deflation.

    2004... Patriots* were caught deflating footballs. Claimed it was a mistake. NFL issued a warning. ( Hadhazy wrote in a letter that the Patriots failed to provide a reasonable explanation for the incident and warned the team could face disciplinary action “if a similar incident occurred in the future because it could be interpreted as a competitive violation,” according to the report.) McNally was the individual caught.

    Read more at:

    2005 ... Physics of Football is published. Belichick writes the forward for the book.

    2006, Brady* lobbies for the ability to prepare his own footballs.

    2015 Brady* and the Pats* are caught deflating footballs and diciplined by the NFL to the largest degree in the history of the sport.

    we call this a pattern.
    #1911 Burning Elvii, Aug 9, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2015
    Murrell2878 likes this.
  12. Jets_Grinch

    Jets_Grinch Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2011
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  13. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    Supposedly Roger offered him 2 games if he admitted he did it and apologized. He wanted no apology no games but would accept a fine. Brady could still appeal if he doesn't like the decision. Maybe no apology just the fines and the games. Who cares about his insincere apology anyways.
  14. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    Bury this liar. Own it or serve it.... no reduction any other way.

    The only individuals that handled this situation poorly is Mr. "Terrific" and/or Team "Terrific". Tired of the Tom Brady apologist headlines and bullshit stories that follow. He did it, he knew about it, he was okay with it. Then, he destroyed evidence to protect himself. He deserves no reduced penalty.
  15. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
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  16. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    If they negotiated and just gave him the 2 games and fines with no apology then P*ts fans will still claim he didn't do anything. This way even if they go to court and Br*dy gets his suspension reduced it is only because of legal wrangling, the asterisk still applies.
    Either way P*ts fans claim he didn't do anything but negotiating the penalty down without apology gives them a little of a leg to stand on, valid or not.
  17. rohirrim665

    rohirrim665 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Honestly, I could give a shit about this anymore. Why doesn't anybody ever bring up the Patriots FILMING the Rams walk through the day before the Super Bowl? It's not an isolated incident. Deflating footballs is just one of the many things that this regime has been accused of. Where this is smoke there is fire, but to me, nothing is more obvious and violating than what happened against the Rams in that Super Bowl. I'm still baffled that nobody even seems to remember that, even though there was plenty of evidence to support that they did this. Can someone at least acknowledge this?
  18. SteveGrogan

    SteveGrogan Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Because it never happened. Spygate was about filming the sidelines in a stadium full of 65,000 people.
  19. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I'll take the word of Marshall Faulk over you. The tapes were conveniently burned, "P*ts, cheating since year 2000", that should be their tag line.
  20. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Correction.... you don't know what the fuck happened and neither do I but the league conveniently anything that would show us what they did and didn't do.

    If there was evidence on there that would exonerate the Pats then why not release and put this baby to bed 8 years ago? Generally you don't destroy evidence that proves innocence. It's why Ray Lewis's white suit was never found, it's why OJ Simpson's knife was never found, it's why Aaron Hernandez's Jordans and gun were never found. People and organizations destroy incriminating evidence.
    rohirrim665 likes this.
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