why is the percentage of type of crimes committed by illegals relevant though? if 1% of the crimes they commit are homicides and 30% of homicodes in a state are illegals does that make it any better?
I don't do immigration law but my institution and many law firms do tons of pro bono work for illegal aliens BECAUSE it is so hard for them to get representation. _
And how does that change anything else, according to those numbers they are still committing an extremely high percentage of the murders based on their population. Depending upon the numbers you use at least 3 to 10% higher. If you look at crime for the entire country murders are .69% of all crime (14,196 Murders/2,039,644 Total crimes), less than the 1% number you posted for illegal aliens. I really don't see why anyone would be against having more secure borders so that we know exactly who is entering our country and so we have a way of tracking them once they are here.
because its a closer look at the group in question. maybe because its looking at that group specifically as a whole? because it tells the whole story.... and not: - just that group, in just 5 states, that was convicted in those 5 states, vs. others that weren't convicted in just those 5 states. Geno Smith had a perfect QB rating in one game last year. We can say, statistics show he's generally a shitty QB but he did have 1 game where he was perfect. OR (if we wanted to push an agenda) we could have a headline like ,"Of all the perfect games in the NFL since 2010, 20% have came from Geno Smith." and then we could say later in the article that only 5 players have done it in that stretch and Geno is one. Ignore the rest of the data and use the disclaimer "It takes some prodigious digging to find the data, but it is there."
They get free representation so I really don't feel sorry for them if it is not F. Lee Bailey and Johnnie Cochran. They don't have any worse representation than your typical gang banger, I am sure most gang bangers are using court appointed attorneys.
They use the number of illegal aliens which include Russians, Chinese etc. It just so happens that about 59% are from Mexico. The article does not break it down by race they are all in there together.
Well a simple question would be what percentage of illegal alien murderers are Canadian/Russian/Chinese/"South of the Border" nationals?
I understand what you're saying but using a different metric doesn't help. it would be nice if we had the same metric for the entire country. as it is it just sounds like they commit more crime in general.
they do commit more crime in general. most of the time that crime is an immigration crime. I'm not saying I have an issue with trying to secure the borders to a degree but I hate breitbart because their articles are usually like this and thats why I am just giving the article shit.
The point isn't to feel bad about the representation either. The statistic provided in the article talks about the rate of successful murder prosecutions. It does not correlation with the number of reported murders or the number of murder prosecutions.
besides the problems with representation, just on the surface its gotta be easier for the prosecution to convict an illegal immigrant of murder than it would be an american citizen.right? Obviously it takes quite a bit to convict someone of murder but if you start the trial with "this person is already a criminal no matter what we conclude about this case. he/she has been an illegal alien in this country since..." you are already given a gimme layup with the jury as far as discrediting the defense early on. how about before the trial even, would it not be much easier to get someone to agree to plead guilty. someone who might not understand what that means? or maybe they do but living in the american prison system is better than living in poverty on the streets of their home country? a court appointed attorney might not want to fight it and might encourage them to plea a certain way - - I'm just spitballing lots of factors to consider, that's why focusing on convictions doesn't tell the story here
Do you have those other numbers? Pull them up and we can see how they compare. Until that time we have these numbers to look at which gives a good indication that illegal aliens are committing murder at a much higher rate than everyone else. That even includes gang bangers in Chicago and East NY which is scary. Once again it seems many want to pick apart the numbers but it really comes down to, do we need a more secure boarder? I think the answer is without a doubt yes, does anyone disagree?
Sure. You are absolutely right. The article doesn't mention race. You win! I'm not a smart guy, so maybe I'm just reading the racial subtext into this debate. I just think there's a better way to talk about this issue, since we all agree....
so what was your point? How does the article give the impression that immigrant is just another word for colored? Race bait much?
If the article and numbers include all illegal aliens where do you see a racial subtext? Yes, Mexicans are almost 60% of illegal aliens but the murder convictions include Asians, Caucasians, Middle Easterners, Africans, ETC. There is really no need to break it down by race from what I see. What would you prove? You may see Russians at a little higher rate than Mexicans, Guatemalans may be a little higher than Chinese but it just comes down to the need to secure all the borders.
Sorry to single you out but I see this type of thing all the time. Someone talks about illegal immigrants being a problem and another person accuses them of being racist for not liking immigrants. First off, the difference between immigrants and illegal immigrants is purposely omitted to begin the strawman. Then race is thrown into the mix out of the blue to push the envelop on the strawman. I don't know why people use this strategy all the time or what it's purpose is. I can only speculate. I do find it very dishonest, unproductive and divisive. Maybe think about what you're saying before using this methodology in the future.
We also dont take into account crimes commited agains the illegal aliens that go unreported, or unsolved. So its not as simple as the title suggests. Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk