It's sad that it takes a Trump to bring something like this to the forefront. Maybe if they had kept the Secure Fence Act as originally written and intended there might have been a chance for it to make a difference. In San Diego where they have a double and in some spots triple fence crime from illegal aliens has dropped dramatically. Unfortunately in 2007 for everyone to get their pork they agreed to a budget which included significant alterations to the original act. As it stands only 36.3 miles of double fencing, as originally in the secure fence act, was constructed. That is less than 6% of the original 700 miles. Of course since they amended the law to make it pretty worthless it enabled Obama to say "The (border) fence is now basically complete.". 6% done and he calls it complete, he even took pokes at the Reps. "We have gone above and beyond what was requested by the very Republicans who said they supported broader reform as long as we got serious about enforcement," Obama said. "All the stuff they asked for, we’ve done. But even though we’ve answered these concerns, I’ve got to say I suspect there are still going to be some who are trying to move the goal posts on us one more time. They'll want want a higher fence," Obama said. "Maybe they’ll need a moat. Maybe they want alligators in the moat. They’ll never be satisfied. And I understand that. That’s politics." And this is what I hate about politicians, they got virtually nothing accomplished but take bows for it anyway. It looked like Bush got a nice piece of legislation passed but a year later Reps. and Dems. alike needed their pork so they let the revised law go through which pretty much kneecapped the original and Obama is proud of it. Fuck em all.
People are just ignorant about this issue. We have been made to believe that these immigrants are just people fleeing harsh conditions/gang violence, but what is the truth? Fleeing gang violence...what does that actually mean? Does that refer to those who are innocent and targeted by gangsters? Or does that refer to people who have done fucked up things against rival gangs and then can't handle the consequences? I work in a detention center that houses illegal juveniles and I can tell you firsthand that these people get every benefit of the doubt, even when they have shown no indication of willingness to be productive members of this country. In the meantime they get access to medical treatment far better than the criminals that are actually citizens of this country receive. Also, they get free phone calls to family members, several times a week all on US taxpayers dime. All while US citizens must have a family member pay for their phone calls. If they remain on good behavior(relatively) for a month or so they earn money to buy clothing,etc to take back with them to their home country. Yes, that is the reality of this situation. Those who have been deemed "refugees" by this joke of a government, who are actually trespassers in violation of immigration laws, receive more rights than actual US citizens. People bitch and complain about the waiting time for legal immigration...well maybe if we weren't redirecting so many resources towards helping the illegals we could accomodate more legal immigrants. But what do you expect from a country that is leaning more and more towards helping the lazy and those who expect something for nothing?
If big business would stop hiring them, they have no incentive to come here.... But that's not going to happen as lazy Americans rather bitch and moan than work hard. It's much easier to complain about the government than your lazy pathetic self.
Careful, boys before you go all in with Breitbart. He has been found more than once to make up stories he believes will get a lot of play. He has no citations and appears to have cherry-picked a few things here to support a position he may well have created himself. But all's fair in politics, right?
Is this your response to everything? Americans being killed by illegal immigrants is the fault of lazy Americans? gfy! they would stop coming here if we protected the fucking border. getting rid of sanctuary cities would help too. jesus christ what the fuck does this have to do with lazy Americans?
I'm curious about why only those 5 states were singled out. They're not all border states (unless new York has an illegal Canadian problem) and not every border state was included. I'd actually be genuinely curious about the statistics for every state and see what real patterns emerge. Perhaps it really is the issue that it's being made out to be, but it's damn hard to tell with partial statistics.
if people were standing in line for two days for a new iphone, and when the doors finally opened a group of people who were not in line rushed into the store and the store simply said "now that they are in the store, we have to sell them the iphones even though they cut in line," and the people in line did not get the phone, everybody would be outraged. but circumvent the line for immigration while honest applicants wait years to get in, and those same people think it would be wrong to force them out of the store and get in line.
I shived a dude who tried to cut the line in front of me in the late 1980s for a Cabbage Patch Doll. The wife made me get in line at 5:00 am at Coronets on Old Country Road to make sure we got one for my first daughter. I'd be damned if I let some poser jump in front of me and crush my 3 year olds dreams. _
the article says "many" states and then only includes 5. "many" to me usually means more than 10% of the states I'm not saying there isn't a problem there I just hate BS headlines like that
lol. 5 states... then they want you to think IA=Mexicanos IA= Canadians, Russians, Chinese and every other ILLEGAL person from another country... Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn
Just breezed through the article, briefly, so I haven't had the time to look up the GAO data, but there's an editing error in the article: The last line should read like this: "That 38% represents 7,085 murder convictions out of the total 18,643 murder convictions" For a clearer picture, the data must be framed by the total number of reported murders, and the number of number prosecutions for those states in those periods. Sidebar: As many of the attorneys here (@JStokes), can attest, it's probably difficult for an illegal to get representation or quality representation (at least more difficult than a legal alien or a citizen), therefore, it is, more than likely, easier to get convictions against them. As such, there might be an inherent bias in using "murder convictions" as a statistic, but the legal pros can probably speak to that.
Classic breitbart though, they include the line "It takes some prodigious digging to find the data, but it is there." as if to acknowledge-- "we totally picked apart the data as much as we could to find something that fit our agenda"
Articles like this, as well as a lot of the candidates' talks, give the impression that "immigrant" is just another word for "colored" or nonwhite. It's very unfortunate because illegal immigration is a problem. There's many better ways to frame this issue, including talking about how illegal immigration demeans those who are waiting both to immigrate properly, and to acquire citizenship.
I'm sorry, what? Could you please point out to us where in the article it mentions or eludes to anything at all about skin color?
Not sure if their numbers are correct but I found this site that puts it at 22%-37% based on if you use illegal aliens or all non-citizens. Either way these are extremely high numbers considering illegal immigrants are approx. 3.52% of the population and non-citizens are 8.25%. The site does seem slanted but they link to their sources for the numbers they use.
Lets cue to the actual source. here is the original GAO report both articles seem to be picking apart. Far and away the most common arrests for illegal aliens include immigration charges, drugs and traffic violations. homicide makes up 1%.