It looks like the Repub establishment esp via their mouthpiece Fox News which gets good ratings and is influential in right wing circles is going after Trump. Megan Kelly who Trump insulted hit him hard with the miscogynst comments (which he laughed off as only being about Rosie O'Donnell). It came out of left field and obviously she was trying to get him. I've seen her do this before on her own show and usually if the individual she's trying to rip counters she tries to talk over them and not let them get in a word. This is done by all of their hosts esp O'Reilly and is obviously a planned strategy. Bill O and Megan will keep raising their voices shutting up anyone with an opposite POV to Fox News. It wouldn't work with Trump who is even more ornery than they are but during the debate he didn't have much time to talk. He did talk after the debate. They are trying their best to try and get rid of him. The Tea Party also wants him to go away. Not because he's embarrassing and an asshole. They could care less about that. Because during his life he has at times espoused liberal values. Which to them makes him an untouchable.
Why Shouldn't it? Do you not understand the political process in this Republic? Primaries are times for ideological purity. The market place of ideas, then finds those positions most palatable to a plurality within the party, hoping that their collective vision, then translates to a majority of the electoral college... Not exactly an advanced concept... And actually conservatives...appreciate Trump. As he is forcing the others to grow the balls they've hidden in fear of being disliked by the Old Grey Whore. Look at Schmuckabee...Mr.Milquetoast has suddenly become assertive. assume she can lead? She can't...she's always been nothing more than an arrogant housewife afforded position and prestige and arrogance, by a husband, that apparently enjoys the company of every other woman on the planet not named Hillary Rodham. That's why her campaign sucks. He isn't running, and she's a known shrew. With Zero political talent.
Huckabee is making stupid statements like the Holocaust remarks that are over the top on purpose and it doesn't work. He's just trying to bring attention to himself. These guys like you say are trying to copy Trump and they can't. At least Bush was being himself. Trump has liberal roots and recently said something anathema to you guys about actually wanting to help the poor. The Fox News process isn't a natural occurrence. It's planned out like everything else they do. To lead their sheep in the direction they want to lead them which is away from Trump who has no shot at beating Hildabeast.
Hildabeast, isn't going to survive the primaries. Right now, she's a boogeyman.... The simple fact is, the Democrat party is fucked in terms of transitioning power, by design. The Obama's and the Clintons hate each other. but...the Clintons are more popular, but the O's live in 1600 Penn. And they do not have the manna to put life into the Cankled Corpse. Biden was chosen, bc he's a dumbass. So there is no continuity beyond this President..... NO High Ranking cabinet member, No outstanding popular Senator...or Congressman.
Funny isn't it...8 years of a Democrat president, and what two issues are we not discussing? The price of Gas. One month before this president. The National debt. Killing the working man. (What's your electric bill looking like these days...?)
One of the problems with Biden is his strong affiliation with Obama who is despised by many on the Right even though he's done a good job. This in spite of all of the Repub obstructionism and the home grown invention of the Koch Bros called the Tea Party. The thing is that while personally as you say Biden's a dumb ass unlike Obama he's popular on the Hill and is capable of making deals and compromising. Not with the Tea Party because nobody can deal with them but moderates like McConnell and Boehner, etc. I think that Biden can be a good Pres.
As for electric bills in my area people are being offered subsidies to get solar panels attached to their homes. It might not work out for us but it's a great step forward in pushing for alternative clean energy. And cheaper, too.
Your party is against it. Why? Because they represent Big Oil. And deny anything scientifically proven that our environment is a disaster and getting much worse. And they're the party who claims they care about future generations. What a crock! They only care about themselves right now.
Proven? What exactly is proven, except that Algore, that never had a real job is ridiculously rich from investing in the green strategies he helped enact into law. Big Oil? Really? the air is cleaner now than it was during the Carter administration. We have more flex fuel. We have electric cars, that fail in the marketplace. We have unnaturally high food prices because corn is devoted to energy, instead of feed, another way the working man gets killed... Do you know anything about anything?
No I don't. Except one thing. The Repub party is under the thumb of Big Oil and denies climate change exists. And last weekend most of your candidates flocked to the Koch Bros retreat to kiss their ass so they could get their approval and their money. And the very first piece of legislation they approved was the Keystone XL pipeline. Which wouldn't even deliver oil to the U.S. Market. I wonder why.
Just wondering why you're quoting Carly Fiorina. And you say I don't know anything. Which is true but at least I'm not referring to people who talk and say zero. The new tactic of Conservatives is not to deny climate change but to state they're not scientists so they don't know. And then she says that you can't do anything about it anyways. Trying to change from fossil fuels and to limit emissions has no effect. Where does she get that one from. It's sheer BS. Because like she showed when she was CEO at HP she only cares about her own self advancement. She even claims she was a great success even though she got fired and was called one of the worst CEOs of all time in the Silicon Valley. And she talks about Hildabeast lying. She's a joke.
doubled revenue, hired more people net, then she laid off. She has issues. Every scientist does not say it's real, There is no consensus.... The Petition Project features over 31,000 scientists signing the petition stating "There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide will, in the forseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere ..
97% of scientists say it's true. That global warming is mostly because of man made causes. The other 3% are employed by Exxon Mobil and Robert Kraft. Why would anyone even for political reasons deny this. I just don't get it.
Because you refuse empirical, historical evidence. and here is the real kicker... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Generally accepted? Mann is a fraud
Just another example of you parroting your party line. Who told you the Keystone pipeline would not "deliver oil to the U.S. Market"? Obama in a speech? IHS Energy comes up with a very different figure, at least over half and probably at least 70% of the oil running through the pipeline would be refined in Gulf Coast facilities and consumed in the U.S., that is quite a difference from Obama's claim. Those numbers match The State Dept. Environmental Impact Statement on the subject. If Obama told you the sky was green and grass was purple I am sure you would be on here tomorrow touting it as truth.
Here's an article from the Wash. Post that says about 50% stays in the U.S. Here's another article that disputes this and says most of the oil will be exported