He thought he had a deal for Vontae Davis but at the last minute Indy (his team) matched or upped it and he wanted to sign with them not Rex. DRC chose the Giants over the Jets. Patterson wasn't a bad acquisition as a fall back but it didn't work out. Many reports over the past few years stated that Woody wanted to get rid of Revis and didn't want to re-sign him in 2014. Woody later said he would have signed him for the Kraft money (after the fact) I don't believe the bad play of the secondary was all on the lack of talent. It was also on the scheme and the coaching. As for Mac we'll see how great a signing Fitz was. I like Mac too but if Idzik was here and not fired he would have spent a lot of money in 2015. He would have had no choice.
He's gone but his drafts and the analysis of them is incomplete. Even on Geno. If you look at other teams there are many many bad draft picks, too.
I just said that. I feel ahead just by the moves we've made and the way this coaching staff operates.
The last 2 season Idzik made Rex's bed. I don't give a shit about "professional" I care about wins. I would take Brady and Belichick and there spygate and defaltgate with 4 SB wins over "professional". Sorry that just me.
And this attitude is a big part of the reason why everyone thinks you're a moron. Yes, it is just you.
Rex was just happy sucking Mark's toes while he banged Michelle. Idzik was a product of : Review by a worker there: Jul 22, 2015 Helpful (1) “Principal ” Current Employee - Anonymous Employee Doesn't Recommend Neutral Outlook I have been working at Korn Ferry full-time Pros Lots of smart and experienced individuals, however, the environment is more a collection of individuals, not an organization that leverages the collective talent and teamwork. Could be a pro depending on what you're looking for. Cons Although KF is trying to develop and grow its consulting offering, the company is organized around and rewards for selling products. The structure actually discourages "true" consulting services (needs-driven, managing for LT client relationships). If you join to sell a product (assessment tool), you'll do fine. If you join to do consulting work, you'll be frustrated. Advice to Management Manage for the long and short term, instead of managing only for the very, very short term (week to week selling metrics). Helpful (1) Hope they go out of business because they gave us the shittiest GM ever.
Korn Ferry knows absolutely nothing about football. Does it shock anyone they picked John Idzik? The guy never scouted a football player a day in his life and it showed.
We start 1-3 and fans will be calling for Bowles to be fired no matter how professional he is. Belichick is hardly "professional" in his press conferences but no one in New England is calling for his job.
No one will be calling for Bowles to be fired 4 games into his first season as HC. This isn't the Raiders. And no one calls for Coach Hoody to be fired because winning 4 championships gives you the benefit of the doubt now and forever
Of course results matter. I'd rather be 1-3 with Bowles at the wheel than 1-3 with some slapdick driving. Tell me Belicheck ain't more "professional" than Rex. Can I get a show of hands of who'd rather have Rex over Todd Bowles?
I'm not saying I'd prefer Rex over Bowles. Rex's time here was obviously done. But fans are funny with how they are now killing Rex for the same reasons they praised him cause he was so different from Mangini. Now they like Bowles because of the way he does things? Well if that way doesn't work we'll all be calling for another rah-rah guy. It's hypocrisy at its finest.
You must not know NY media and fans. Giant fans still call for Coughlin's firing after losses. Is it overreacting? Yeah. But it does happen.
If the Jets start out 1-3, I'm pretty certain it would have a lot more to do with Geno Smith than Todd Bowles.
I'll give you a pass because you may be Irish. I feel really good with Bowles and Mac at the helm. Don't you?
I feel good because our players are better this year than they were last year. It's good that Bowles seems to offer something different than Rex does but I'm not thinking we'll win anymore games this year because he's here and Rex isn't. And yes fully Irish btw lol